HROS Detection kit

HROS Detection kit 

To Order Contact us:

DAB Detection Kit

E-IR-R101-each each Ask for price

HMGB1 Detection Kit

6010 1 kit
EUR 500
Description: Serum, Plasma, Culture Media

DNase Detection Kit

PP-410L 500reactions
EUR 607.14

DNase Detection Kit

PP-410S 100reactions
EUR 151.8

Gliadin Detection Kit

6035 1 kit
EUR 377
Description: Liquid Samples

Autophagy Detection Kit

abx299014-100g 100 µg Ask for price

Autophagy Detection Kit

abx299014-20g 20 µg
EUR 450

Autophagy Detection Kit

abx299014-50g 50 µg Ask for price

Autophagy Detection Kit

abx299014-50tests 50 tests
EUR 627.6

Autophagy Detection Kit

abx299015-100g 100 µg Ask for price

Autophagy Detection Kit

abx299015-200tests 200 tests
EUR 1045.2

Autophagy Detection Kit

abx299015-20g 20 µg
EUR 850

Autophagy Detection Kit

abx299015-50g 50 µg Ask for price

Apoptosis Detection Kit

ANXVKB-100T 100 test
EUR 350.9
Description: The kit consists of the AnnexinV conjugated in the selected fluorochrome + solution for the exclusion of nonviable cells (PI) and Binding Buffer

Apoptosis Detection Kit

ANXVKCFB-100T 100 test
EUR 306.9
Description: The kit consists of the AnnexinV conjugated in the selected fluorochrome + solution for the exclusion of nonviable cells (PI) and Binding Buffer

Apoptosis Detection Kit

ANXVKCFB7-100T 100 test
EUR 306.9
Description: The kit consists of the AnnexinV conjugated in the selected fluorochrome + solution for the exclusion of nonviable cells (7AAD) and Binding Buffer

Apoptosis Detection Kit

ANXVKDY-100T 100 test
EUR 287.1
Description: The kit consists of the AnnexinV conjugated in the selected fluorochrome + solution for the exclusion of nonviable cells (PI) and Binding Buffer

Apoptosis Detection Kit

ANXVKF-100T 100 test
EUR 236.5
Description: The kit consists of the AnnexinV conjugated in the selected fluorochrome + solution for the exclusion of nonviable cells (PI) and Binding Buffer

Apoptosis Detection Kit

ANXVKF7-100T 100 test
EUR 236.5
Description: The kit consists of the AnnexinV conjugated in the selected fluorochrome + solution for the exclusion of nonviable cells (7AAD) and Binding Buffer

Apoptosis Detection Kit

ANXVKPE-100T 100 test
EUR 250.8
Description: The kit consists of the AnnexinV conjugated in the selected fluorochrome + solution for the exclusion of nonviable cells (7AAD) and Binding Buffer

Ubiquitin Detection Kit

SKT-131-20 20 assays
EUR 594
Description: Purification Detection kit used to capture, detect, identify and characterise ubiquitinated proteins and free chains from samples. in Cell Lysates, Tissue samples from all species

Senescence Detection Kit

55R-1370 250 tests
EUR 513
Description: Senescence Detection Kit for use in the research laboratory

Flavonoids detection kit

BC161-50T48samples 50T/48samples
EUR 130

Senescence Detection Kit

GWB-AXR198 250 Stainings Ask for price

Mycoplasma detection kit

E28XB0087 50T
EUR 311.11

Senescence Detection Kit

K2030-250 250 Staining
EUR 793.6
Description: Kits|Cell Proliferation# Viability & Cytotoxicity Kit#Cell Proliferation# Viability & Cytotoxicity Kit|Senescence Kit#Kits

Senescence Detection Kit

K320-250 each
EUR 561.6

Mycoplasma Detection Kit

MBS670435-50Reactions 50Reactions
EUR 320

Mycoplasma Detection Kit

MBS670435-5x50Reactions 5x50Reactions
EUR 1465

Mycoplasma Detection Kit

PP-401L 50reactions
EUR 240.48

Mycoplasma Detection Kit

PP-401S 10reactions
EUR 85.96

Ara h6 Detection Kit

6042 1 kit
EUR 377
Description: Liquid samples and biological fluids

Ara h2 Detection Kit

6043 1 kit
EUR 377
Description: Liquid samples and biological fluids

DAB Detection Kit (20×)

MBS2567141-1mL 1mL
EUR 120

DAB Detection Kit (20×)

MBS2567141-3mL 3mL
EUR 140

DAB Detection Kit (20×)

MBS2567141-5x6mL 5x6mL
EUR 675

DAB Detection Kit (20×)

MBS2567141-6mL 6mL
EUR 155

Glutathione Detection Kit

SKT-202-96 1 plate of 96 wells
EUR 513.6
Description: Direct Fluorometric detection assay to measure the total GSH content in Whole Blood, Serum, EDTA Plasma, Heparin Plasma, Erythrocytes, Urine, Cell Lysates, Tissue samples from all species

GenomeCoV19 Detection Kit

G628 100 Rxns
EUR 384
Description: The most affordable qPCR Detection Kit for SARS-CoV-2 on the market.abm’s GenomeCoV19 Detection Kit is a real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) test intended for the qualitative detection of RNA from SARS-CoV-2 in human nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab specimens from individuals suspected of COVID-19 by their healthcare provider. Our GenomeCoV19 Detection Kit is the most affordable qPCR detection kit on the market at only $1.77 USD/test (limited time pricing for US customers only).This kit is widely used in Europe under the CE-IVD certification and is listed by U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for distribution in the USA, under Section IV.C.

GenomeCoV19 Detection Kit

G628.v2 100 Rxns
EUR 384
Description: The most affordable qPCR Detection Kit for SARS-CoV-2 on the market.abm’s GenomeCoV19 Detection Kit is a real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) test intended for the qualitative detection of RNA from SARS-CoV-2 in human nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab specimens from individuals suspected of COVID-19 by their healthcare provider. Our GenomeCoV19 Detection Kit is the most affordable qPCR detection kit on the market at only $1.77 USD/test (limited time pricing for US customers only).This kit is widely used in Europe under the CE-IVD certification and is listed by U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for distribution in the USA, under Section IV.C.

Hypochlorite Detection Kit

FLOCL100-2 100 Tests
EUR 490

Mucormycosis Detection Kit

K144-10KT 1 unit
EUR 80.24
Description: Mucormycosis Detection Kit

Mucormycosis Detection Kit

K144-2KT 1 unit
EUR 18.79
Description: Mucormycosis Detection Kit

Peroxynitrite Detection Kit

FLHPF100-2 150 Tests
EUR 280

ASFV qPCR Detection Kit

E0457-01 24reactions
EUR 107.91
Description: Certified for veterinary useFor African Swine Fever Virus detection

ASFV qPCR Detection Kit

E0457-02 96reactions
EUR 342.26
Description: Certified for veterinary useFor African Swine Fever Virus detection

Protein A Detection Kit

abx090813-100l 100 µl
EUR 2137.5

Protein A Detection Kit

abx090813-1Kit 1 Kit
EUR 1897.2

Protein A Detection Kit

abx090813-1ml 1 ml Ask for price

Protein A Detection Kit

abx090813-200l 200 µl Ask for price

Protein A Detection Kit

GWB-E6F1AA Kit Ask for price

PCR-STEC Detection Kit

K1452-96 each
EUR 940.8

Myeloperoxidase detection Kit

FLMPO100-3 500 Tests
EUR 490

Rat Albumin Detection Kit

3020 1 kit
EUR 335
Description: Serum, Plasma

COVID19 PCR detection kit

BSV-qPCR-07 100 reactions
EUR 1201
Description: COVID19 PCR detection kit (detecting ORF1ab and N genes of SARS-COV-2 and human gene endogenous control)

RNase+DNase Detection Kit

PP-409L 500reactions
EUR 910.68

RNase+DNase Detection Kit

PP-409S 100reactions
EUR 227.71

Nitric Oxide Detection Kit

SKT-212-96 2 plates of 96 wells
EUR 410.4
Description: Indirect Colorimetric assay used for quantitative measuring Nitrate and Nitrite present in a variety of samples in Serum, Plasma, Urine, Saliva, Water, Buffer, Cell Lysates, Tissue Culture Media samples from all species

Nitric Oxide Detection Kit

9136 2 plates
EUR 339.5

Residual SDS Detection Kit

BSP055 100Assays
EUR 99.67

Western Blot Detection Kit

E-IR-R304A-50Assays 50Assays
EUR 210

Western Blot Detection Kit

E-IR-R304A-each each Ask for price

Western Blot Detection Kit

MBS2557048-50Assays 50Assays
EUR 215

Western Blot Detection Kit

MBS2557048-5x50Assays 5x50Assays
EUR 950

Borrelia qPCR Detection Kit

E0450-01 50reactions
EUR 179.85
Description: For Borrelia burgdorferi detection

Borrelia qPCR Detection Kit

E0450-02 100reactions
EUR 347.71
Description: For Borrelia burgdorferi detection

PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit

abx298017-100g 100 µg Ask for price

PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit

abx298017-100rxns 100 rxns
EUR 376.8

PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit

abx298017-20g 20 µg
EUR 437.5

PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit

abx298017-50g 50 µg Ask for price

Mycoplasma PCR Detection Kit

BMC1040-1000T 1000 T
EUR 199

Mycoplasma PCR Detection Kit

BMC1040-200T 200 T
EUR 59

Mycoplasma PCR Detection Kit

BMC1040-each each Ask for price

Salmonella Detection Kit (PCR)

abx092289-100l 100 µl
EUR 937.5

Salmonella Detection Kit (PCR)

abx092289-1ml 1 ml Ask for price

Salmonella Detection Kit (PCR)

abx092289-200l 200 µl
EUR 1775

PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit

abx098883-100rxns 100 rxns
EUR 644.4

HROS Detection kit