Leishmania spp. Real-TM

Leishmania spp. Real-TM 

To Order Contact us: lieven@wlsolutions.be

Human Leishmania Spp Antibody (Anti-LS) ELISA Kit

MBS3803950-48StripWells 48-Strip-Wells
EUR 550

Human Leishmania Spp Antibody (Anti-LS) ELISA Kit

MBS3803950-5x96StripWells 5x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 3420

Human Leishmania Spp Antibody (Anti-LS) ELISA Kit

MBS3803950-96StripWells 96-Strip-Wells
EUR 765

Human Leishmania Spp Antibody (Anti-LS) ELISA Kit

MBS9906132-10x96StripWells 10x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 6725

Human Leishmania Spp Antibody (Anti-LS) ELISA Kit

MBS9906132-48StripWells 48-Strip-Wells
EUR 550

Human Leishmania Spp Antibody (Anti-LS) ELISA Kit

MBS9906132-5x96StripWells 5x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 3420

Human Leishmania Spp Antibody (Anti-LS) ELISA Kit

MBS9906132-96StripWells 96-Strip-Wells
EUR 765

Mouse Leishmania Spp Antibody (Anti-LS) ELISA Kit

MBS9906134-10x96StripWells 10x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 6725

Mouse Leishmania Spp Antibody (Anti-LS) ELISA Kit

MBS9906134-48StripWells 48-Strip-Wells
EUR 550

Mouse Leishmania Spp Antibody (Anti-LS) ELISA Kit

MBS9906134-5x96StripWells 5x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 3420

Mouse Leishmania Spp Antibody (Anti-LS) ELISA Kit

MBS9906134-96StripWells 96-Strip-Wells
EUR 765

genesig Real-time PCR detection kit for Leishmania major

Z-Path-L-major 150 tests
EUR 808
Description: L.major

genesig Real-time PCR detection kit for Leishmania tropica

Z-Path-L-tropica 150 tests
EUR 808
Description: L.tropica

genesig Std Real-time PCR detection kit, Leishmania tropica

Z-Path-L-tropica-std 150 tests
EUR 602
Description: L.tropica

genesig Real-time PCR detection kit for Leishmania species

Z-Path-Leishmania 150 tests
EUR 808
Description: Leishmania

genesig Std Real-time PCR detection kit, Leishmania species

Z-Path-Leishmania-std 150 tests
EUR 602
Description: Leishmania

genesig Std Real-time PCR detection kit for Leishmania major

Z-Path-L-major-std 150 tests
EUR 602
Description: L.major

Leishmania Lipophosphoglycan (Leishmania LPG) Antibody

abx415770-05ml 0.5 ml
EUR 844.8

Leishmania Lipophosphoglycan (Leishmania LPG) Antibody

abx415770-200l 200 µl
EUR 687.5

Leishmania sp.

PCR-VH087-PCRVH08748D PCR-VH087-48D
EUR 230

Leishmania sp.

PCR-VH087-PCRVH08796D PCR-VH087-96D
EUR 312

Leishmania sp.

Oneq-VH087-OneqVH087100D Oneq-VH087-100D
EUR 515

Leishmania sp.

Oneq-VH087-OneqVH087150D Oneq-VH087-150D
EUR 594

Leishmania sp.

Oneq-VH087-OneqVH08750D Oneq-VH087-50D
EUR 413

Leishmania vet

DE0310 96
EUR 155

Leishmania, LPG

MBS609390-05mL 0.5mL
EUR 1225

Leishmania, LPG

MBS609390-5x05mL 5x0.5mL
EUR 5355

MAOC Leishmania

pro-2761 50µg
EUR 165
Description: Recombinant Maoc Family Dehydratase-Like Protein

Mouse Leishmania antibody IgG (Leishmania- IgG)ELISA Kit定性

SL0818Mo - Ask for price

Leishmania infantum

PCR-VH100-PCRVH10048D PCR-VH100-48D
EUR 230

Leishmania infantum

PCR-VH100-PCRVH10096D PCR-VH100-96D
EUR 312

Leishmania infantum

Oneq-VH10-OneqVH100100D Oneq-VH100-100D
EUR 515

Leishmania infantum

Oneq-VH10-OneqVH100150D Oneq-VH100-150D
EUR 594

Leishmania infantum

Oneq-VH10-OneqVH10050D Oneq-VH100-50D
EUR 413

Leishmania infantum IgG (Leishmaniosis)

GWB-A279DD 1x96 Assays Ask for price

Leishmania peptide 183

MBS5789594-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Leishmania peptide 183

TP2331-10mg 10mg Ask for price
Description: Leishmania peptide 183

Leishmania peptide 183

TP2331-1g 1g Ask for price
Description: Leishmania peptide 183

Leishmania peptide 183

TP2331-1mg 1mg Ask for price
Description: Leishmania peptide 183

Leishmania peptide 183

TP2331-50mg 50mg Ask for price
Description: Leishmania peptide 183

Leishmania peptide 183

TP2331-5mg 5mg Ask for price
Description: Leishmania peptide 183

Leishmania infantum IgG

DEIG0310 96
EUR 134

Leishmania sp PCR kit

PCR-VH087-48D 50T
EUR 543.6

Leishmania sp PCR kit

PCR-VH087-96D 100T
EUR 686.4

Leishmania chagasi, Recomb.

MBS319844-1mg 1mg
EUR 1650

Leishmania chagasi, Recomb.

MBS319844-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 7175


abx061391-1mg 1 mg
EUR 2114.4

Leishmania IgG ELISA Kit

ESR147G 96 Tests
EUR 372

Leishmania IgG ELISA Kit

MBS495326-5x96Tests 5x96Tests
EUR 2125

Leishmania IgG ELISA Kit

MBS495326-96Tests 96Tests
EUR 465

Leishmania major PCR kit

PCR-H687-48D 50T
EUR 543.6

Leishmania major PCR kit

PCR-H687-96D 100T
EUR 686.4

Leishmania sp RT PCR kit

RTq-VH087-100D 100T
EUR 860.4

Leishmania sp RT PCR kit

RTq-VH087-150D 150T
EUR 969.6

Leishmania sp RT PCR kit

RTq-VH087-50D 50T
EUR 717.6

Leishmania tropica PCR kit

PCR-H688-48D 50T
EUR 543.6

Leishmania tropica PCR kit

PCR-H688-96D 100T
EUR 686.4

Leishmania infantum PCR kit

PCR-VH100-48D 50T
EUR 543.6

Leishmania infantum PCR kit

PCR-VH100-96D 100T
EUR 686.4

Canine Leishmania ELISA Kit

SL0092Ca - Ask for price

Recombinant Leishmania Antigen

E41H070 100ug
EUR 695

Recombinant Leishmania Antigen

E41H071 100ug
EUR 695

Leishmania major RT PCR kit

RTq-H687-100D 100T
EUR 860.4

Leishmania major RT PCR kit

RTq-H687-150D 150T
EUR 969.6

Leishmania major RT PCR kit

RTq-H687-50D 50T
EUR 717.6

Leishmania Ab Rapid Test, Ds

R0122S 50 Ask for price

Leishmania donovani, Recombinant

MBS318780-1mg 1mg
EUR 1675

Leishmania donovani, Recombinant

MBS318780-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 7265

Leishmania infantum IgG ELISA

MBS494629-5x96Tests 5x96Tests
EUR 3180

Leishmania infantum IgG ELISA

MBS494629-96Tests 96Tests
EUR 695

QPCR Kit DNA Leishmania - EACH

EUR 1176.51

Leishmania tropica RT PCR kit

RTq-H680-150D 150T
EUR 841.2
Description: A Real-Time PCR kit for detection of Leishmania tropica .

Leishmania tropica RT PCR kit

RTq-H688-100D 100T
EUR 860.4

Leishmania tropica RT PCR kit

RTq-H688-150D 150T
EUR 969.6

Leishmania tropica RT PCR kit

RTq-H688-50D 50T
EUR 717.6

Recombinant Leishmania major Leishmanolysin (gp63)

MBS1101004-002mgBaculovirus 0.02mg(Baculovirus)
EUR 1345

Recombinant Leishmania major Leishmanolysin (gp63)

MBS1101004-002mgEColi 0.02mg(E-Coli)
EUR 1040

Recombinant Leishmania major Leishmanolysin (gp63)

MBS1101004-002mgYeast 0.02mg(Yeast)
EUR 1140

Recombinant Leishmania major Leishmanolysin (gp63)

MBS1101004-01mgEColi 0.1mg(E-Coli)
EUR 1215

Recombinant Leishmania major Leishmanolysin (gp63)

MBS1101004-01mgYeast 0.1mg(Yeast)
EUR 1295

Human Leishmania IgG ELISA Kit

abx050307-100g 100 µg Ask for price

Human Leishmania IgG ELISA Kit

abx050307-10g 10 µg
EUR 493.75

Human Leishmania IgG ELISA Kit

abx050307-50g 50 µg Ask for price

Leishmania infantum RT PCR kit

RTq-VH100-100D 100T
EUR 860.4

Leishmania infantum RT PCR kit

RTq-VH100-150D 150T
EUR 969.6

Leishmania spp. Real-TM