Plasmid promotor vector maps

PVT20806pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Alas1-rGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Alas1-r Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Alas1-r plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6.ccdb vector sequence and a Alas1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20807pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Laptm5-rGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6.ccdb-La Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Laptm5-r plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6.ccdb vector sequence and a Laptm5 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20808pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Got2-rGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Got2-r Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Got2-r plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6.ccdb vector sequence and a Got2 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20809pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Sod3-rGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Sod3-r Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Sod3-r plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6.ccdb vector sequence and a Sod3 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20810pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Stambp-rGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Stamb Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Stambp-r plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6.ccdb vector sequence and a Stambp gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20811pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Gnas-rGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Gnas-r Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Gnas-r plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6.ccdb vector sequence and a Gnas gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20812pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Ifngr1-rGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Ifngr1-r Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Ifngr1-r plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6.ccdb vector sequence and a Ifngr1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20813pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Ier2-rGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Ier2-r Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Ier2-r plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6.ccdb vector sequence and a Ier2 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20814pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Serping1-rGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Ser Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Serping1-r plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6.ccdb vector sequence and a Serping1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20815pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-C1s-rGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6.ccdb-C1s-r Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-C1s-r plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6.ccdb vector sequence and a C1s gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20816pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Taf1c-rGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Taf1c-r Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Taf1c-r plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6.ccdb vector sequence and a Taf1c gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20817pBluescriptR-DBF4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DBF4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DBF4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20818pBluescriptR-KIAA1737Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KIAA1737 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KIAA1737 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20819pBluescriptR-RUNDC1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RUNDC1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RUNDC1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20820pDNR-LIB-IRAK4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized DNR-LIB-IRAK4 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pDNR-LIB-IRAK4 plasmid. The pDNR promotor is combined with a LIB vector sequence and a IRAK4 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20821pSPORT1-Irak4-mGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized SPORT1-Irak4-m Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pSPORT1-Irak4-m plasmid. The pSPORT1 promotor is combined with a Irak4 vector sequence and a m gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20822pCMV-SPORT6-SREBF1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-SREBF1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-SREBF1 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a SREBF1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20823pCDNA3.1-VGLL4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1-VGLL4 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1-VGLL4 plasmid. The pCDNA3.1 promotor is combined with a VGLL4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20824pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-CALHM1-rGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6.ccdb-CALHM1-r Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-CALHM1-r plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6.ccdb vector sequence and a CALHM1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20825pCR4-TOPO-TM9SF3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CR4-TOPO-TM9SF3 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCR4-TOPO-TM9SF3 plasmid. The pCR4 promotor is combined with a TOPO vector sequence and a TM9SF3 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20826pCR-XL-TOPO-KTN1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CR-XL-TOPO-KTN1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCR-XL-TOPO-KTN1 plasmid. The pCR promotor is combined with a XL vector sequence and a TOPO gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20827pmCherry-Erlin2-m-MycGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized mCherry-Erlin2-m-Myc Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pmCherry-Erlin2-m-Myc plasmid. The pmCherry promotor is combined with a Erlin2 vector sequence and a m gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20828pEnCMV-HIPK2-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-HIPK2-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-HIPK2-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a HIPK2 vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20829pT7TSGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized T7TS Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pT7TS plasmid. The pT7TS promotor is combined with a  vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20830pH-PABE-7-esgRNAGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized H-PABE-7-esgRNA Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pH-PABE-7-esgRNA plasmid. The pH promotor is combined with a PABE vector sequence and a 7 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20831pBluescriptR-CTSFGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CTSF plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CTSF vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20832pCDH-CMV-MXI1-2-Myc-EF1-copGFPGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDH-CMV-MXI1-2-Myc-EF1-co Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDH-CMV-MXI1-2-Myc-EF1-copGFP plasmid. The pCDH promotor is combined with a CMV vector sequence and a MXI1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20833pBluescriptR-GARNL3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GARNL3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GARNL3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20834pBluescriptR-ZMPSTE24Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZMPSTE24 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZMPSTE24 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20835pBluescriptR-KLHDC8AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KLHDC8A plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KLHDC8A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20836pCR4-TOPO-SLX1AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CR4-TOPO-SLX1A Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCR4-TOPO-SLX1A plasmid. The pCR4 promotor is combined with a TOPO vector sequence and a SLX1A gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20837pBluescriptR-RPP38Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RPP38 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RPP38 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20838pBluescriptR-KPNA5Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KPNA5 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KPNA5 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20839pOTB7-UROSGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized OTB7-UROS Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pOTB7-UROS plasmid. The pOTB7 promotor is combined with a UROS vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20840pCR-BluntII-TOPO-SENP7Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CR-BluntII-TOPO-SENP7 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCR-BluntII-TOPO-SENP7 plasmid. The pCR promotor is combined with a BluntII vector sequence and a TOPO gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20841pCDNA3.1-EGFP-C2-PARP8Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1-EGFP-C2-PARP8 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1-EGFP-C2-PARP8 plasmid. The pCDNA3.1 promotor is combined with a EGFP vector sequence and a C2 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20842pETDuet-1-SopB-EGFP-Ssb-mCherryGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized ETDuet-1-So Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pETDuet-1-SopB-EGFP-Ssb-mCherry plasmid. The pETDuet promotor is combined with a 1 vector sequence and a SopB gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20843pBluescriptR-PLCL2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PLCL2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PLCL2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20844pBluescriptR-SEPTIN4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SEPTIN4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SEPTIN4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20845pCDNA3.1-RBBP6-3xFLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1-RBBP6-3xFLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1-RBBP6-3xFLAG plasmid. The pCDNA3.1 promotor is combined with a RBBP6 vector sequence and a 3xFLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20846pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Prss8-rGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Prss8-r Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Prss8-r plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6.ccdb vector sequence and a Prss8 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20847pBlueScriptR-SNX31Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized BlueScri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBlueScriptR-SNX31 plasmid. The pBlueScriptR promotor is combined with a SNX31 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20848pCR-BluntII-TOPO-OSBP2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CR-BluntII-TOPO-OSBP2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCR-BluntII-TOPO-OSBP2 plasmid. The pCR promotor is combined with a BluntII vector sequence and a TOPO gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20849pLKO.1-Puro-DDX43-shRNA1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LKO.1-Puro-DDX43-shRNA1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLKO.1-Puro-DDX43-shRNA1 plasmid. The pLKO.1 promotor is combined with a Puro vector sequence and a DDX43 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20850pLKO.1-Puro-CTSF-shRNA2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LKO.1-Puro-CTSF-shRNA2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLKO.1-Puro-CTSF-shRNA2 plasmid. The pLKO.1 promotor is combined with a Puro vector sequence and a CTSF gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20851pLKO.1-Puro-CTSF-shRNA1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LKO.1-Puro-CTSF-shRNA1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLKO.1-Puro-CTSF-shRNA1 plasmid. The pLKO.1 promotor is combined with a Puro vector sequence and a CTSF gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20852pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-SEC23A-shRNA1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-SEC23A-shRNA1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-SEC23A-shRNA1 plasmid. The pLVshRNA promotor is combined with a EGFP(2A)Puro vector sequence and a SEC23A gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20853pLVML-Myc-TRIM65-IRES-PuroGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LVML-Myc-TRIM65-IRES-Puro Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLVML-Myc-TRIM65-IRES-Puro plasmid. The pLVML promotor is combined with a Myc vector sequence and a TRIM65 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20854pCMV-ITGA2B(1750)-ITGB3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-ITGA2B(1750)-ITGB3 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-ITGA2B(1750)-ITGB3 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a ITGA2B(1750) vector sequence and a ITGB3 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20855pCDNA3.1-Lrrc15-mGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1-Lrrc15-m Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1-Lrrc15-m plasmid. The pCDNA3.1 promotor is combined with a Lrrc15 vector sequence and a m gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20856pECMV-Acly-m-2-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized ECMV-Acly-m-2-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pECMV-Acly-m-2-3×FLAG plasmid. The pECMV promotor is combined with a Acly vector sequence and a m gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20857pECMV-Acly-m-1-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized ECMV-Acly-m-1-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pECMV-Acly-m-1-3×FLAG plasmid. The pECMV promotor is combined with a Acly vector sequence and a m gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20858pCMV-ATF1-Tag 2BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-ATF1-Tag 2B Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-ATF1-Tag 2B plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a ATF1 vector sequence and a Tag 2B gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20859pLKO.1-Puro-DDX43-shRNA2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LKO.1-Puro-DDX43-shRNA2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLKO.1-Puro-DDX43-shRNA2 plasmid. The pLKO.1 promotor is combined with a Puro vector sequence and a DDX43 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20860pLKO.1-Puro-TZAP-shRNA2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LKO.1-Puro-TZAP-shRNA2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLKO.1-Puro-TZAP-shRNA2 plasmid. The pLKO.1 promotor is combined with a Puro vector sequence and a TZAP gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20861pLKO.1-Puro-TZAP-shRNA1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LKO.1-Puro-TZAP-shRNA1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLKO.1-Puro-TZAP-shRNA1 plasmid. The pLKO.1 promotor is combined with a Puro vector sequence and a TZAP gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20862pLKO.1-Puro-ZFP-shRNA2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LKO.1-Puro-ZFP-shRNA2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLKO.1-Puro-ZFP-shRNA2 plasmid. The pLKO.1 promotor is combined with a Puro vector sequence and a ZFP gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20863pLKO.1-Puro-ZFP-shRNA1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LKO.1-Puro-ZFP-shRNA1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLKO.1-Puro-ZFP-shRNA1 plasmid. The pLKO.1 promotor is combined with a Puro vector sequence and a ZFP gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20864pExpress-1-Asb15-rGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Ex Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pExpress-1-Asb15-r plasmid. The pExpress promotor is combined with a 1 vector sequence and a Asb15 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20865pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Ncf1-rGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Ncf1-r Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Ncf1-r plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6.ccdb vector sequence and a Ncf1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20866pCMV-SPORT6-Cep55-mGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-Ce Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-Cep55-m plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a Cep55 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20867pCDNA3.1-CACNA1C-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1-CACNA1C-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1-CACNA1C-3×FLAG plasmid. The pCDNA3.1 promotor is combined with a CACNA1C vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20868pBluescriptR-SREBF1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SREBF1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SREBF1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20869pCMV-SPORT6-SREBF2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-SREBF2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-SREBF2 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a SREBF2 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20870pCDNA3.1-DNM1LGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1-DNM1L Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1-DNM1L plasmid. The pCDNA3.1 promotor is combined with a DNM1L vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20871pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-RT1-EC2-rGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6.ccdb-RT1-EC2-r Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-RT1-EC2-r plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6.ccdb vector sequence and a RT1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20872pCMV-SPORT6-PTGS1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-PTGS1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-PTGS1 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a PTGS1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20873pBluescriptR-NME5Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NME5 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NME5 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20874pBluescriptR-RNF151Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RNF151 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RNF151 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20875pBluescriptR-DNAJA4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DNAJA4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DNAJA4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20876pCDNA3.1-BRD4-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1-BRD4-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1-BRD4-3×FLAG plasmid. The pCDNA3.1 promotor is combined with a BRD4 vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20877pEnCMV-WAC-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-WAC-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-WAC-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a WAC vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20878pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Ptbp1-rGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Ptb Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Ptbp1-r plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6.ccdb vector sequence and a Ptbp1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20879pBluescriptR-KRR1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KRR1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KRR1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20880pBluescriptR-LGR4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LGR4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LGR4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20881pOTB7-ITGALGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized OTB7-ITGAL Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pOTB7-ITGAL plasmid. The pOTB7 promotor is combined with a ITGAL vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20882pET12c-ATPFGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized ET12c-ATPF Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pET12c-ATPF plasmid. The pET12c promotor is combined with a ATPF vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20883pMD18-T-BRD3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized MD18-T-BRD3 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pMD18-T-BRD3 plasmid. The pMD18 promotor is combined with a T vector sequence and a BRD3 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20884pMD18-SCN9AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized MD18-SCN9A Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pMD18-SCN9A plasmid. The pMD18 promotor is combined with a SCN9A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20885GFP-TAF1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized  Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the GFP-TAF1 plasmid. The GFP promotor is combined with a TAF1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20886pBabe-puro-LargeTcDNAGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Babe- Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBabe-puro-LargeTcDNA plasmid. The pBabe promotor is combined with a puro vector sequence and a LargeTcDNA gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20887dCas9-VPR-EGFP-1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized  Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the dCas9-VPR-EGFP-1 plasmid. The dCas9 promotor is combined with a VPR vector sequence and a EGFP gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20888pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Mid1ip1-rGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Mid1i Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Mid1ip1-r plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6.ccdb vector sequence and a Mid1ip1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20889pBluescriptR-TNRC6BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TNRC6B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TNRC6B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20890pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Orc4-rGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Orc4-r Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Orc4-r plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6.ccdb vector sequence and a Orc4 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20891pCMV-SPORT6-SLC2A13Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-SLC2A13 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-SLC2A13 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a SLC2A13 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20892pCMV-SPORT6-SH3GL3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-SH3GL3 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-SH3GL3 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a SH3GL3 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20893pCMV-SPORT6-1810007M14Rik-mGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-1810007M14Rik-m Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-1810007M14Rik-m plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a 1810007M14Rik gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20894pMJ841Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized MJ841 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pMJ841 plasmid. The pMJ841 promotor is combined with a  vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20895scramble shRNAGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized  Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the scramble shRNA plasmid. The scramble shRNA promotor is combined with a  vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20896pBV220-6×HisGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized BV220-6×His Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBV220-6×His plasmid. The pBV220 promotor is combined with a 6×His vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map. supplies 2ug of lyophilized Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the plasmid. The promotor is combined with a catenin.2279 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map. supplies 2ug of lyophilized Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the plasmid. The promotor is combined with a catenin.1248 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20899pMLB1034Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized MLB1034 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pMLB1034 plasmid. The pMLB1034 promotor is combined with a  vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20900pCR-BluntII-TOPO-PAK1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CR-BluntII-TOPO-PAK1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCR-BluntII-TOPO-PAK1 plasmid. The pCR promotor is combined with a BluntII vector sequence and a TOPO gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20901pCMV-SPORT6-PDCD6IPGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-PDCD6IP Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-PDCD6IP plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a PDCD6IP gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20902pDNR-LIB-ATF1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized DNR-LIB-ATF1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pDNR-LIB-ATF1 plasmid. The pDNR promotor is combined with a LIB vector sequence and a ATF1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20903pEnCMV-Hspb1-m-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-Hs Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-Hspb1-m-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a Hspb1 vector sequence and a m gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20904pEnCMV-SPI1-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-SPI1-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-SPI1-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a SPI1 vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20905pCDNA3.1-HA-DUSP9Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1-HA-DUSP9 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1-HA-DUSP9 plasmid. The pCDNA3.1 promotor is combined with a HA vector sequence and a DUSP9 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20906pEnCMV-KCNC3-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-KCNC3-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-KCNC3-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a KCNC3 vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20907pOTB7-HSPD1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized OTB7-HSPD1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pOTB7-HSPD1 plasmid. The pOTB7 promotor is combined with a HSPD1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20908pYX-Asc-Tuba1a-mGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized YX-Asc-Tuba1a-m Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pYX-Asc-Tuba1a-m plasmid. The pYX promotor is combined with a Asc vector sequence and a Tuba1a gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20909pDNR-LIB-GSTP1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized DNR-LIB-GSTP1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pDNR-LIB-GSTP1 plasmid. The pDNR promotor is combined with a LIB vector sequence and a GSTP1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20910pGEX-4T-1-STX1AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized GEX-4T-1-STX1A Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pGEX-4T-1-STX1A plasmid. The pGEX promotor is combined with a 4T vector sequence and a 1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20911pLVX-EF1a-VGLL4-IRES-EGFP-PGK-PuroGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LVX-EF1a-VGLL4-IRES-EGFP-PGK-Puro Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLVX-EF1a-VGLL4-IRES-EGFP-PGK-Puro plasmid. The pLVX promotor is combined with a EF1a vector sequence and a VGLL4 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20912pCDNA3.1-3×HA-KDM6AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1-3×HA-KDM6A Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1-3×HA-KDM6A plasmid. The pCDNA3.1 promotor is combined with a 3×HA vector sequence and a KDM6A gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20913pCDNA3.1-Mbnl3-m-MycGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1-Mbnl3-m-Myc Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1-Mbnl3-m-Myc plasmid. The pCDNA3.1 promotor is combined with a Mbnl3 vector sequence and a m gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20914pEnCMV-TRPC1-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-TRPC1-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-TRPC1-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a TRPC1 vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20915pGEX-4T-1-VAMP2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized GEX-4T-1-VAMP2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pGEX-4T-1-VAMP2 plasmid. The pGEX promotor is combined with a 4T vector sequence and a 1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20916pGEX-4T-1-VAMP1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized GEX-4T-1-VAMP1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pGEX-4T-1-VAMP1 plasmid. The pGEX promotor is combined with a 4T vector sequence and a 1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20917pCold-GST-BCAT1-2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Cold-GST-BCAT1-2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCold-GST-BCAT1-2 plasmid. The pCold promotor is combined with a GST vector sequence and a BCAT1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20918pEnCMV-KCNV2-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-KCNV2-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-KCNV2-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a KCNV2 vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20919pEnCMV-LMNB2-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-LMNB2-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-LMNB2-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a LMNB2 vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20920pCDNA3.1-EGFP-ER50Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1-EGFP-ER50 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1-EGFP-ER50 plasmid. The pCDNA3.1 promotor is combined with a EGFP vector sequence and a ER50 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20921pEnCMV-FBXL5-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-FBXL5-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-FBXL5-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a FBXL5 vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20922pCDNA3.1-FLAG-CGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1-FLAG-C Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1-FLAG-C plasmid. The pCDNA3.1 promotor is combined with a FLAG vector sequence and a C gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20923pCDH-CMV-mRFP1-EGFP-EF1-PuroGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDH-CMV-mRFP1-EGFP-EF1-Puro Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDH-CMV-mRFP1-EGFP-EF1-Puro plasmid. The pCDH promotor is combined with a CMV vector sequence and a mRFP1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20924pLVX-PARP8-AcGFP1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LVX-PARP8-AcGFP1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLVX-PARP8-AcGFP1 plasmid. The pLVX promotor is combined with a PARP8 vector sequence and a AcGFP1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20925pYX-Asc-Tsc1-mGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized YX-Asc-Tsc1-m Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pYX-Asc-Tsc1-m plasmid. The pYX promotor is combined with a Asc vector sequence and a Tsc1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20926pYX-Asc-Jarid2-mGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized YX-Asc-Jarid2-m Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pYX-Asc-Jarid2-m plasmid. The pYX promotor is combined with a Asc vector sequence and a Jarid2 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20927pBluescriptR-SLC44A5Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SLC44A5 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SLC44A5 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20928pCMV-SPORT6-Kif2c-mGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-Kif2c-m Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-Kif2c-m plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a Kif2c gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20929pBluescriptR-PDCD6IPGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PDCD6IP plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PDCD6IP vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20930pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Cdc37-rGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Cdc37-r Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Cdc37-r plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6.ccdb vector sequence and a Cdc37 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20931pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Jund-rGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Jund-r Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Jund-r plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6.ccdb vector sequence and a Jund gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20932pOTB7-KLHL29Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized OTB7-KLHL29 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pOTB7-KLHL29 plasmid. The pOTB7 promotor is combined with a KLHL29 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20933pSPORT1-Pou5f1-mGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized SPORT1-Pou5f1-m Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pSPORT1-Pou5f1-m plasmid. The pSPORT1 promotor is combined with a Pou5f1 vector sequence and a m gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20934pCMV-SPORT6-Atg7-mGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-Atg7-m Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-Atg7-m plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a Atg7 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20935pCR-BluntII-TOPO-SIX4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CR-BluntII-TOPO-SIX4 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCR-BluntII-TOPO-SIX4 plasmid. The pCR promotor is combined with a BluntII vector sequence and a TOPO gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20936pCMV-SPORT6-Rasa3-mGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-Rasa3-m Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-Rasa3-m plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a Rasa3 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20937pBluescriptR-RANGAP1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RANGAP1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RANGAP1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20938pYX-Asc-Dnm1-mGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized YX-Asc-Dnm1-m Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pYX-Asc-Dnm1-m plasmid. The pYX promotor is combined with a Asc vector sequence and a Dnm1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20939pLenti CMV GFP Zeo (637-7)Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Lenti CMV GFP Zeo (637-7) Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLenti CMV GFP Zeo (637-7) plasmid. The pLenti CMV GFP Zeo (637 promotor is combined with a 7) vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20940pCR4-TOPO-NPAS4-1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CR4-TOPO-NPAS4-1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCR4-TOPO-NPAS4-1 plasmid. The pCR4 promotor is combined with a TOPO vector sequence and a NPAS4 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20941pOTB7-SIX1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized OTB7-SIX1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pOTB7-SIX1 plasmid. The pOTB7 promotor is combined with a SIX1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20942pOTB7-IRAK1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized OTB7-IRAK1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pOTB7-IRAK1 plasmid. The pOTB7 promotor is combined with a IRAK1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20943pCR4-TOPO-NPAS4-2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CR4-TOPO-NPAS4-2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCR4-TOPO-NPAS4-2 plasmid. The pCR4 promotor is combined with a TOPO vector sequence and a NPAS4 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20944pDNR-LIB-Ctsl-rGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized DNR-LIB-Ctsl-r Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pDNR-LIB-Ctsl-r plasmid. The pDNR promotor is combined with a LIB vector sequence and a Ctsl gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20945pX330a dCas9-KRABGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized X330a dCas9-KRAB Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pX330a dCas9-KRAB plasmid. The pX330a dCas9 promotor is combined with a KRAB vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20946pSIN4-EF1a-LMO2-IRES-PuroGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized SIN4-EF1a-LMO2-IRES-Puro Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pSIN4-EF1a-LMO2-IRES-Puro plasmid. The pSIN4 promotor is combined with a EF1a vector sequence and a LMO2 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20947pX330a dCas9-VP64Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized X330a dCas9-VP64 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pX330a dCas9-VP64 plasmid. The pX330a dCas9 promotor is combined with a VP64 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20948Mfn2-MycGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized  Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the Mfn2-Myc plasmid. The Mfn2 promotor is combined with a Myc vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20949pCW57-MCS1-P2A-MCS2 (Neo)Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CW57-MCS1-P2A-MCS2 (Neo) Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCW57-MCS1-P2A-MCS2 (Neo) plasmid. The pCW57 promotor is combined with a MCS1 vector sequence and a P2A gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20950pRK5-MycGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized RK5-Myc Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pRK5-Myc plasmid. The pRK5 promotor is combined with a Myc vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20951pLKO.1-UPF1-shRNA1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LKO.1-UPF1-shRNA1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLKO.1-UPF1-shRNA1 plasmid. The pLKO.1 promotor is combined with a UPF1 vector sequence and a shRNA1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20952pLKO.1-STAU1-shRNA1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LKO.1-STAU1-shRNA1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLKO.1-STAU1-shRNA1 plasmid. The pLKO.1 promotor is combined with a STAU1 vector sequence and a shRNA1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20953pLKO.1-HNRNPD-shRNA1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LKO.1-HNRNPD-shRNA1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLKO.1-HNRNPD-shRNA1 plasmid. The pLKO.1 promotor is combined with a HNRNPD vector sequence and a shRNA1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20954pEGFP-HIF1AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EGFP-HIF1A Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEGFP-HIF1A plasmid. The pEGFP promotor is combined with a HIF1A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20955pEF1-Myc-HisB-CMV-EGFPGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EF1-Myc-HisB-CMV-EGFP Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEF1-Myc-HisB-CMV-EGFP plasmid. The pEF1 promotor is combined with a Myc vector sequence and a HisB gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20956pLVX-CREB1-PuroGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LVX-CREB1-Puro Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLVX-CREB1-Puro plasmid. The pLVX promotor is combined with a CREB1 vector sequence and a Puro gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20957pCDNA3.1(-)-DNM1L-S616EGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1(-)-DNM1L-S616E Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1(-)-DNM1L-S616E plasmid. The pCDNA3.1( promotor is combined with a ) vector sequence and a DNM1L gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20958pGEX-4T-1-SNAP25Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized GEX-4T-1-SNAP25 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pGEX-4T-1-SNAP25 plasmid. The pGEX promotor is combined with a 4T vector sequence and a 1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20959pLVX-AcGFP1-ADGRG6Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LVX-AcGFP1-ADGRG6 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLVX-AcGFP1-ADGRG6 plasmid. The pLVX promotor is combined with a AcGFP1 vector sequence and a ADGRG6 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20960pEnCMV-Atg5-r-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-Atg5-r-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-Atg5-r-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a Atg5 vector sequence and a r gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20961pTurboRFP-SQSTM1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized TurboRFP-SQSTM1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pTurboRFP-SQSTM1 plasmid. The pTurboRFP promotor is combined with a SQSTM1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20962pBV220-OmpA-PD-1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized BV220-Om Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBV220-OmpA-PD-1 plasmid. The pBV220 promotor is combined with a OmpA vector sequence and a PD gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20963pBV220-OmpA-PDL-1 trapGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized BV220-Om Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBV220-OmpA-PDL-1 trap plasmid. The pBV220 promotor is combined with a OmpA vector sequence and a PDL gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20964pBV220-OmpA-PDL-1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized BV220-Om Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBV220-OmpA-PDL-1 plasmid. The pBV220 promotor is combined with a OmpA vector sequence and a PDL gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20965pCDNA3.1-RRM2BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1-RRM2B Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1-RRM2B plasmid. The pCDNA3.1 promotor is combined with a RRM2B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20966pBluescriptR-U2AF1L4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-U2AF1L4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a U2AF1L4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20967pBluescriptR-DPPA4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DPPA4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DPPA4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20968pBluescriptR-P2RY14Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-P2RY14 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a P2RY14 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20969pBluescriptR-ZNF219Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZNF219 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZNF219 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20970pBluescriptR-GLRA3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GLRA3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GLRA3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20971pYBA-1132-EGFPGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized YBA-1132-EGFP Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pYBA-1132-EGFP plasmid. The pYBA promotor is combined with a 1132 vector sequence and a EGFP gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20972pOTB7-MUL1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized OTB7-MUL1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pOTB7-MUL1 plasmid. The pOTB7 promotor is combined with a MUL1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20973pCDNA3.1-BCAT1-6×HisGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1-BCAT1-6×His Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1-BCAT1-6×His plasmid. The pCDNA3.1 promotor is combined with a BCAT1 vector sequence and a 6×His gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20974pLVX-Puro-TFAP2AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LVX-Puro-TFAP2A Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLVX-Puro-TFAP2A plasmid. The pLVX promotor is combined with a Puro vector sequence and a TFAP2A gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20975pCDNA3.1-LRRC15-moGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1-LRRC15-mo Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1-LRRC15-mo plasmid. The pCDNA3.1 promotor is combined with a LRRC15 vector sequence and a mo gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20976pEnCMV-KCNAB3-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-KCNAB3-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-KCNAB3-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a KCNAB3 vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20977pCDNA3.1-FLAG-JUNGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1-FLAG-JUN Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1-FLAG-JUN plasmid. The pCDNA3.1 promotor is combined with a FLAG vector sequence and a JUN gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20978pCDNA3.1-FLAG-FOSGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1-FLAG-FOS Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1-FLAG-FOS plasmid. The pCDNA3.1 promotor is combined with a FLAG vector sequence and a FOS gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20979pEnCMV-SNX5-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-SNX5-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-SNX5-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a SNX5 vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20980pX459 V2.0-HIF1A-sgRNA2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized X459 V2.0-HIF1A-sgRNA2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pX459 V2.0-HIF1A-sgRNA2 plasmid. The pX459 V2.0 promotor is combined with a HIF1A vector sequence and a sgRNA2 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20981pX459 V2.0-HIF1A-sgRNA1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized X459 V2.0-HIF1A-sgRNA1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pX459 V2.0-HIF1A-sgRNA1 plasmid. The pX459 V2.0 promotor is combined with a HIF1A vector sequence and a sgRNA1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20982pCMV-SPORT6-IRAK1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-IRAK1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-IRAK1 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a IRAK1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20983pBluescriptR-PAQR8Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PAQR8 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PAQR8 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20984pECMV-SLC12A3-2-6×His-FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized ECMV-SLC12A3-2-6×His-FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pECMV-SLC12A3-2-6×His-FLAG plasmid. The pECMV promotor is combined with a SLC12A3 vector sequence and a 2 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20985pCMV-SPORT6-Ash2l-mGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-Ash2l-m Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-Ash2l-m plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a Ash2l gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20986pCMV-SPORT6-RCC2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-RCC2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-RCC2 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a RCC2 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20987pCR-BluntII-TOPO-DTX4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CR-BluntII-TOPO-DTX4 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCR-BluntII-TOPO-DTX4 plasmid. The pCR promotor is combined with a BluntII vector sequence and a TOPO gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20988pBluescriptR-KITGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KIT plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KIT vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20989pCR4-TOPO-CSNK2BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CR4-TOPO-CSNK2B Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCR4-TOPO-CSNK2B plasmid. The pCR4 promotor is combined with a TOPO vector sequence and a CSNK2B gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20990pCR-BluntII-TOPO-NFAT5Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CR-BluntII-TOPO-NFAT5 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCR-BluntII-TOPO-NFAT5 plasmid. The pCR promotor is combined with a BluntII vector sequence and a TOPO gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20991pOTB7-TRIB2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized OTB7-TRIB2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pOTB7-TRIB2 plasmid. The pOTB7 promotor is combined with a TRIB2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20992pCR4-TOPO-ZNF587Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CR4-TOPO-ZNF587 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCR4-TOPO-ZNF587 plasmid. The pCR4 promotor is combined with a TOPO vector sequence and a ZNF587 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20993pCR4-TOPO-FLJ16686Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CR4-TOPO-FLJ16686 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCR4-TOPO-FLJ16686 plasmid. The pCR4 promotor is combined with a TOPO vector sequence and a FLJ16686 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20994pCR4-TOPO-KIF25Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CR4-TOPO-KIF25 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCR4-TOPO-KIF25 plasmid. The pCR4 promotor is combined with a TOPO vector sequence and a KIF25 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20995pCDNA3.1-MAGEL2-6×HisGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1-MAGEL2-6×His Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1-MAGEL2-6×His plasmid. The pCDNA3.1 promotor is combined with a MAGEL2 vector sequence and a 6×His gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20996pEX-N-His-GSTGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EX-N-His-GST Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEX-N-His-GST plasmid. The pEX promotor is combined with a N vector sequence and a His gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20997pECMV-VEZF1-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized ECMV-VEZF1-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pECMV-VEZF1-3×FLAG plasmid. The pECMV promotor is combined with a VEZF1 vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT20998Flag-HA-USP53Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized  Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the Flag-HA-USP53 plasmid. The Flag promotor is combined with a HA vector sequence and a USP53 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT209993XFlag-pA-Tn5-FlGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized A-Tn5-Fl Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the 3XFlag-pA-Tn5-Fl plasmid. The 3XFlag promotor is combined with a pA vector sequence and a Tn5 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21000pLVX-AcGFP1-IGF1RGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LVX-AcGFP1-IGF1R Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLVX-AcGFP1-IGF1R plasmid. The pLVX promotor is combined with a AcGFP1 vector sequence and a IGF1R gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21001pBV220-pelB-PDL-1 trapGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized BV220- Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBV220-pelB-PDL-1 trap plasmid. The pBV220 promotor is combined with a pelB vector sequence and a PDL gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21002pCMV-MYC-Tag 2BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-MYC-Tag 2B Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-MYC-Tag 2B plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a MYC vector sequence and a Tag 2B gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21003pIREShyg3-ITGA2B-G432A-T2A-ITGB3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized IREShyg3-ITGA2B-G432A-T2A-ITGB3 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pIREShyg3-ITGA2B-G432A-T2A-ITGB3 plasmid. The pIREShyg3 promotor is combined with a ITGA2B vector sequence and a G432A gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21004pEnCMV-BTBD8-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-BTBD8-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-BTBD8-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a BTBD8 vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21005pEnCMV-PTPRF-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-PTPRF-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-PTPRF-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a PTPRF vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21006pBV220-pelB-PD-1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized BV220- Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBV220-pelB-PD-1 plasmid. The pBV220 promotor is combined with a pelB vector sequence and a PD gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21007pBV220-pelB-PDL-1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized BV220- Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBV220-pelB-PDL-1 plasmid. The pBV220 promotor is combined with a pelB vector sequence and a PDL gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21008pECMV-UGDH-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized ECMV-UGDH-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pECMV-UGDH-3×FLAG plasmid. The pECMV promotor is combined with a UGDH vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21009p3×FLAG-CMV-MAVS-b-7.1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized 3×FLAG-CMV-MAVS-b-7.1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the p3×FLAG-CMV-MAVS-b-7.1 plasmid. The p3×FLAG promotor is combined with a CMV vector sequence and a MAVS gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21010pTOPO-CESA6-aGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized TOPO-CESA6-a Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pTOPO-CESA6-a plasmid. The pTOPO promotor is combined with a CESA6 vector sequence and a a gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21011pBluescriptR-POGLUT1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-POGLUT1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a POGLUT1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21012pMD18-ITCHGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized MD18-ITCH Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pMD18-ITCH plasmid. The pMD18 promotor is combined with a ITCH vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21013pBluescriptR-SIMC1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SIMC1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SIMC1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21014pCDNA3.1-Acly-m-2-3×HAGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1-Acly-m-2-3×HA Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1-Acly-m-2-3×HA plasmid. The pCDNA3.1 promotor is combined with a Acly vector sequence and a m gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21015pCDNA3.1-Acly-m-1-3×HAGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1-Acly-m-1-3×HA Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1-Acly-m-1-3×HA plasmid. The pCDNA3.1 promotor is combined with a Acly vector sequence and a m gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21016pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-USP9X-shRNA4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-USP9X-shRNA4 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-USP9X-shRNA4 plasmid. The pLVshRNA promotor is combined with a EGFP(2A)Puro vector sequence and a USP9X gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21017pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-USP9X-shRNA2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-USP9X-shRNA2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-USP9X-shRNA2 plasmid. The pLVshRNA promotor is combined with a EGFP(2A)Puro vector sequence and a USP9X gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21018pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-USP9X-shRNA3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-USP9X-shRNA3 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-USP9X-shRNA3 plasmid. The pLVshRNA promotor is combined with a EGFP(2A)Puro vector sequence and a USP9X gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21019pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-USP9X-shRNA1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-USP9X-shRNA1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-USP9X-shRNA1 plasmid. The pLVshRNA promotor is combined with a EGFP(2A)Puro vector sequence and a USP9X gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21020pOTB7-VIL1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized OTB7-VIL1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pOTB7-VIL1 plasmid. The pOTB7 promotor is combined with a VIL1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21021pOTB7-ARTNGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized OTB7-ARTN Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pOTB7-ARTN plasmid. The pOTB7 promotor is combined with a ARTN vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21022HRE-luciferaseGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized  Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the HRE-luciferase plasmid. The HRE promotor is combined with a luciferase vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21023pLVX-SEC23A-FLAG-PuroGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LVX-SEC23A-FLAG-Puro Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLVX-SEC23A-FLAG-Puro plasmid. The pLVX promotor is combined with a SEC23A vector sequence and a FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21024pCDNA3.1-HNRNPD-FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1-HNRNPD-FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1-HNRNPD-FLAG plasmid. The pCDNA3.1 promotor is combined with a HNRNPD vector sequence and a FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21025pBluescriptR-GABRG2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GABRG2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GABRG2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21026pCR4-TOPO-MTERFGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CR4-TOPO-MTERF Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCR4-TOPO-MTERF plasmid. The pCR4 promotor is combined with a TOPO vector sequence and a MTERF gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21027pCR4-TOPO-SLC28A3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CR4-TOPO-SLC28A3 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCR4-TOPO-SLC28A3 plasmid. The pCR4 promotor is combined with a TOPO vector sequence and a SLC28A3 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21028pMIR-Report-JUN 3’UTR-delta483-734Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized MIR-Re Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pMIR-Report-JUN 3’UTR-delta483-734 plasmid. The pMIR promotor is combined with a Report vector sequence and a JUN 3’UTR gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21029pMIR-Report-JUN 3’UTR-delta401-453Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized MIR-Re Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pMIR-Report-JUN 3’UTR-delta401-453 plasmid. The pMIR promotor is combined with a Report vector sequence and a JUN 3’UTR gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21030pET28a-6×His-dCas9-20EGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized ET28a-6×His-dCas9-20E Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pET28a-6×His-dCas9-20E plasmid. The pET28a promotor is combined with a 6×His vector sequence and a dCas9 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21031pCDNA3.1-FLAG-ZNF587Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1-FLAG-ZNF587 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1-FLAG-ZNF587 plasmid. The pCDNA3.1 promotor is combined with a FLAG vector sequence and a ZNF587 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21032pET28a-ATPFGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized ET28a-ATPF Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pET28a-ATPF plasmid. The pET28a promotor is combined with a ATPF vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21033pCR-XL-TOPO-KCNMA1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CR-XL-TOPO-KCNMA1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCR-XL-TOPO-KCNMA1 plasmid. The pCR promotor is combined with a XL vector sequence and a TOPO gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21034pCR-BluntII-TOPO-BCL2L12Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CR-BluntII-TOPO-BCL2L12 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCR-BluntII-TOPO-BCL2L12 plasmid. The pCR promotor is combined with a BluntII vector sequence and a TOPO gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21035pCDNA3.0-HA-NS5A-bGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.0-HA-NS5A-b Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.0-HA-NS5A-b plasmid. The pCDNA3.0 promotor is combined with a HA vector sequence and a NS5A gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21036pGH-alpha Subunit-Subunit OmegaGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized GH-al Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pGH-alpha Subunit-Subunit Omega plasmid. The pGH promotor is combined with a alpha Subunit vector sequence and a Subunit Omega gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21037pCDNA3.1-TPH2-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1-TPH2-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1-TPH2-3×FLAG plasmid. The pCDNA3.1 promotor is combined with a TPH2 vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21038pTOPO-Cep55-rGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized TOPO-Ce Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pTOPO-Cep55-r plasmid. The pTOPO promotor is combined with a Cep55 vector sequence and a r gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21039pTOPO-BUD23Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized TOPO-BUD23 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pTOPO-BUD23 plasmid. The pTOPO promotor is combined with a BUD23 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21040pIRESpuro3-ITGA2B-Q778P-ITGB3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized IRES Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pIRESpuro3-ITGA2B-Q778P-ITGB3 plasmid. The pIRESpuro3 promotor is combined with a ITGA2B vector sequence and a Q778P gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21041pEGFP-ADAMTS4-2-TwinstrepGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EGFP-ADAMTS4-2-Twinstre Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEGFP-ADAMTS4-2-Twinstrep plasmid. The pEGFP promotor is combined with a ADAMTS4 vector sequence and a 2 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21042pLVX-AcGFP1-TMA7-FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LVX-AcGFP1-TMA7-FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLVX-AcGFP1-TMA7-FLAG plasmid. The pLVX promotor is combined with a AcGFP1 vector sequence and a TMA7 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21043pECMV-Ndufv2-m-MycGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized ECMV-Ndufv2-m-Myc Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pECMV-Ndufv2-m-Myc plasmid. The pECMV promotor is combined with a Ndufv2 vector sequence and a m gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21044pCold-DsbAGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Cold-DsbA Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCold-DsbA plasmid. The pCold promotor is combined with a DsbA vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21045pLVX-TRIB2-PuroGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LVX-TRIB2-Puro Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLVX-TRIB2-Puro plasmid. The pLVX promotor is combined with a TRIB2 vector sequence and a Puro gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21046pCDNA3.1(-)-EGFL7-MycGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1(-)-EGFL7-Myc Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1(-)-EGFL7-Myc plasmid. The pCDNA3.1( promotor is combined with a ) vector sequence and a EGFL7 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21047pEGFP-Gba-mGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EGFP-Gba-m Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEGFP-Gba-m plasmid. The pEGFP promotor is combined with a Gba vector sequence and a m gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21048pEGFP-Park7-mGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EGFP-Park7-m Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEGFP-Park7-m plasmid. The pEGFP promotor is combined with a Park7 vector sequence and a m gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21049pET28a-GSTGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized ET28a-GST Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pET28a-GST plasmid. The pET28a promotor is combined with a GST vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21050pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-SKA3-shRNA4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-SKA3-shRNA4 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-SKA3-shRNA4 plasmid. The pLVshRNA promotor is combined with a EGFP(2A)Puro vector sequence and a SKA3 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21051pBluescriptR-NIFKGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NIFK plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NIFK vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21052pBluescriptR-LDHCGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LDHC plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LDHC vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21053pBluescriptR-CNTN4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CNTN4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CNTN4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21054pBluescriptR-EML1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-EML1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a EML1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21055pBluescriptR-KIF16BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KIF16B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KIF16B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21056pBluescriptR-THAP3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-THAP3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a THAP3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21057pBluescriptR-SLC66A3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SLC66A3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SLC66A3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21058pBluescriptR-NALCNGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NALCN plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NALCN vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21059pBluescriptR-SERINC1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SERINC1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SERINC1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21060pBluescriptR-OBI1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-OBI1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a OBI1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21061pBluescriptR-BSDC1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-BSDC1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a BSDC1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21062pBluescriptR-BBS4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-BBS4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a BBS4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21063pBluescriptR-KLK11Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KLK11 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KLK11 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21064pBluescriptR-LYSMD2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LYSMD2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LYSMD2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21065pBluescriptR-SEC61A2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SEC61A2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SEC61A2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21066pBluescriptR-BMPR1AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-BMPR1A plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a BMPR1A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21067pBluescriptR-GRPEL1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GRPEL1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GRPEL1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21068pBluescriptR-CCDC185Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CCDC185 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CCDC185 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21069pBluescriptR-SLC15A4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SLC15A4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SLC15A4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21070pBluescriptR-CCT6BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CCT6B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CCT6B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21071pBluescriptR-TTC29Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TTC29 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TTC29 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21072pBluescriptR-WT1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-WT1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a WT1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21073pBluescriptR-RDH11Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RDH11 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RDH11 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21074pBluescriptR-ECRG4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ECRG4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ECRG4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21075pBluescriptR-PEX7Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PEX7 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PEX7 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21076pBluescriptR-DDX55Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DDX55 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DDX55 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21077pBluescriptR-USPL1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-USPL1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a USPL1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21078pBluescriptR-PPP2R2CGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PPP2R2C plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PPP2R2C vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21079pBluescriptR-DMDGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DMD plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DMD vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21080pBluescriptR-MTMR1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MTMR1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MTMR1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21081pBluescriptR-CAGE1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CAGE1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CAGE1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21082pBluescriptR-LIG4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LIG4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LIG4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21083pBluescriptR-FAM62CGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FAM62C plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FAM62C vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21084pBluescriptR-ATG4CGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ATG4C plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ATG4C vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21085pBluescriptR-KCTD17Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KCTD17 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KCTD17 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21086pBluescriptR-NDEL1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NDEL1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NDEL1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21087pBluescriptR-ACTL9Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ACTL9 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ACTL9 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21088pBluescriptR-SERF1BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SERF1B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SERF1B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21089pBluescriptR-C9orf43Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-C9orf43 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a C9orf43 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21090pBluescriptR-SNX10Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SNX10 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SNX10 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21091pBluescriptR-WDR66Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-WDR66 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a WDR66 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21092pBluescriptR-C19orf2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-C19orf2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a C19orf2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21093pBluescriptR-ZCCHC24Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZCCHC24 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZCCHC24 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21094pBluescriptR-SUN3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SUN3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SUN3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21095pBluescriptR-EIF4ENIF1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-EIF4ENIF1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a EIF4ENIF1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21096pBluescriptR-C16orf71Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-C16orf71 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a C16orf71 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21097pBluescriptR-FAM131AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FAM131A plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FAM131A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21098pBluescriptR-KCNV1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KCNV1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KCNV1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21099pBluescriptR-TUBE1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TUBE1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TUBE1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21100pBluescriptR-KIF9Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KIF9 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KIF9 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21101pBluescriptR-PLXNA4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PLXNA4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PLXNA4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21102pBluescriptR-GABRA3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GABRA3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GABRA3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21103pBluescriptR-KIAA2013Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KIAA2013 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KIAA2013 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21104pBluescriptR-TMEM106BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TMEM106B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TMEM106B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21105pBluescriptR-KIAA1383Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KIAA1383 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KIAA1383 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21106pBluescriptR-LIX1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LIX1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LIX1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21107pBluescriptR-COPB1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-COPB1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a COPB1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21108pBluescriptR-KCNE1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KCNE1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KCNE1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21109pBluescriptR-SCHIP1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SCHIP1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SCHIP1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21110pBluescriptR-RL6IP6Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RL6IP6 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RL6IP6 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21111pBluescriptR-CFAP70Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CFAP70 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CFAP70 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21112pBluescriptR-ZKSCAN5Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZKSCAN5 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZKSCAN5 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21113pBluescriptR-SPATA46Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SPATA46 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SPATA46 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21114pBluescriptR-SPATA4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SPATA4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SPATA4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21115pBluescriptR-CCP110Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CCP110 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CCP110 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21116pBluescriptR-AGBL3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-AGBL3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a AGBL3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21117pBluescriptR-SLC6A1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SLC6A1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SLC6A1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21118pBluescriptR-FYTTD1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FYTTD1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FYTTD1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21119pBluescriptR-CFAP52Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CFAP52 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CFAP52 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21120pBluescriptR-CNTD1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CNTD1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CNTD1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21121pBluescriptR-GSTCDGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GSTCD plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GSTCD vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21122pBluescriptR-ARL6Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ARL6 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ARL6 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21123pBluescriptR-EIF4ENIF1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-EIF4ENIF1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a EIF4ENIF1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21124pBluescriptR-MOB3BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MOB3B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MOB3B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21125pBluescriptR-HDHD2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-HDHD2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a HDHD2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21126pBluescriptR-RBMY1FGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RBMY1F plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RBMY1F vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21127pBluescriptR-COX6B2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-COX6B2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a COX6B2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21128pBluescriptR-PLPP6Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PLPP6 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PLPP6 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21129pBluescriptR-MSH4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MSH4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MSH4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21130pBluescriptR-C16orf78Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-C16orf78 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a C16orf78 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21131pBluescriptR-CATSPER1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CATSPER1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CATSPER1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21132pBluescriptR-GALCGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GALC plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GALC vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21133pBluescriptR-RNASE11Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RNASE11 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RNASE11 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21134pBluescriptR-FATE1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FATE1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FATE1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21135pBluescriptR-ARMC12Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ARMC12 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ARMC12 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21136pBluescriptR-SOCS5Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SOCS5 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SOCS5 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21137pBluescriptR-ZNF461Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZNF461 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZNF461 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21138pBluescriptR-XPO1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-XPO1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a XPO1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21139pBluescriptR-LOC439951Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LOC439951 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LOC439951 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21140pBluescriptR-C2CD6Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-C2CD6 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a C2CD6 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21141pBluescriptR-ZBTB18Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZBTB18 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZBTB18 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21142pBluescriptR-MAGEB4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MAGEB4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MAGEB4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21143pBluescriptR-GABPAGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GABPA plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GABPA vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21144pDEST27Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized DEST27 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pDEST27 plasmid. The pDEST27 promotor is combined with a  vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21145pBluescriptR-RASSF8Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RASSF8 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RASSF8 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21146pBluescriptR-SERPIND1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SERPIND1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SERPIND1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21147pBluescriptR-PAPOLBGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PAPOLB plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PAPOLB vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21148pBluescriptR-KIF1CGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KIF1C plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KIF1C vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21149pBluescriptR-TMEM239Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TMEM239 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TMEM239 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21150pBluescriptR-ZNF596Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZNF596 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZNF596 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21151pBluescriptR-TCTEX1D2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TCTEX1D2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TCTEX1D2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21152pBluescriptR-HMGB4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-HMGB4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a HMGB4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21153pBluescriptR-CMTR2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CMTR2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CMTR2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21154pBluescriptR-CBLBGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CBLB plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CBLB vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21155pBluescriptR-CSNK1A1LGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CSNK1A1L plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CSNK1A1L vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21156pBluescriptR-COL25A1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-COL25A1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a COL25A1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21157pBluescriptR-KIAA0317Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KIAA0317 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KIAA0317 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21158pBluescriptR-NPY1RGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NPY1R plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NPY1R vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21159pBluescriptR-PIWIL4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PIWIL4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PIWIL4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21160pBluescriptR-TNP1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TNP1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TNP1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21161pBluescriptR-FAM76BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FAM76B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FAM76B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21162pBluescriptR-TRAF6Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TRAF6 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TRAF6 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21163pBluescriptR-ELOVL4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ELOVL4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ELOVL4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21164pBluescriptR-MAP4K5Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MAP4K5 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MAP4K5 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21165pBluescriptR-CATSPEREGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CATSPERE plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CATSPERE vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21166pBluescriptR-XKGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-XK plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a XK vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21167pBluescriptR-TEX11Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TEX11 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TEX11 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21168pBluescriptR-MPP7Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MPP7 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MPP7 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21169pBluescriptR-CCDC13Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CCDC13 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CCDC13 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21170pBluescriptR-SPATA22Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SPATA22 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SPATA22 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21171pBluescriptR-ZCCHC13Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZCCHC13 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZCCHC13 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21172pBluescriptR-SLC1A6Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SLC1A6 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SLC1A6 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21173pBluescriptR-TPRKBGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TPRKB plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TPRKB vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21174pBluescriptR-EGLN2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-EGLN2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a EGLN2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21175pBluescriptR-FAM13CGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FAM13C plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FAM13C vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21176pBluescriptR-UGT3A1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-UGT3A1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a UGT3A1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21177pBluescriptR-TMEM217Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TMEM217 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TMEM217 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21178pBluescriptR-ACKR3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ACKR3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ACKR3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21179pBluescriptR-RAB11FIP5Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RAB11FIP5 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RAB11FIP5 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21180pBluescriptR-CRYZL1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CRYZL1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CRYZL1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21181pBluescriptR-FHL5Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FHL5 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FHL5 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21182pOTB7-ACO2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized OTB7-ACO2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pOTB7-ACO2 plasmid. The pOTB7 promotor is combined with a ACO2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21183pBluescriptR-TPTEGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TPTE plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TPTE vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21184pBluescriptR-FANCMGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FANCM plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FANCM vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21185pSH47Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized SH47 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pSH47 plasmid. The pSH47 promotor is combined with a  vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21186pBluescriptR-CLHC1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CLHC1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CLHC1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21187pBluescriptR-DUSP19Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DUSP19 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DUSP19 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21188pBluescriptR-TUBB4BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TUBB4B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TUBB4B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21189pBluescriptR-ZNF25Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZNF25 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZNF25 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21190pBluescriptR-FUT11Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FUT11 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FUT11 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21191pBluescriptR-CTAGE1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CTAGE1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CTAGE1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21192pBluescriptR-ZNF439Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZNF439 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZNF439 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21193pBluescriptR-PARP16Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PARP16 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PARP16 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21194pBluescriptR-ELOA2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ELOA2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ELOA2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21195pBluescriptR-PPEF1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PPEF1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PPEF1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21196pBluescriptR-UBXN11Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-UBXN11 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a UBXN11 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21197pBluescriptR-MFSD8Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MFSD8 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MFSD8 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21198pBluescriptR-EPB41L4AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-EPB41L4A plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a EPB41L4A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21199pBluescriptR-TM2D1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TM2D1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TM2D1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21200pBluescriptR-BTG4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-BTG4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a BTG4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21201pBluescriptR-LPAR1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LPAR1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LPAR1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21202pBluescriptR-CCDC146Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CCDC146 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CCDC146 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21203pBluescriptR-EXTL2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-EXTL2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a EXTL2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21204pBluescriptR-RHOXF2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RHOXF2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RHOXF2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21205pBluescriptR-MAGEB18Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MAGEB18 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MAGEB18 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21206pBluescriptR-HIPK1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-HIPK1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a HIPK1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21207pBluescriptR-LRATGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LRAT plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LRAT vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21208pBluescriptR-DSEGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DSE plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DSE vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21209pBluescriptR-SUN5Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SUN5 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SUN5 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21210pBluescriptR-DDX20Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DDX20 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DDX20 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21211pBluescriptR-CDRT4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CDRT4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CDRT4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21212pBluescriptR-ZSWIM2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZSWIM2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZSWIM2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21213pBluescriptR-LTC4SGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LTC4S plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LTC4S vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21214pBluescriptR-SUPV3L1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SUPV3L1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SUPV3L1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21215pBluescriptR-DMRTC2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DMRTC2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DMRTC2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21216pBluescriptR-EIF5A2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-EIF5A2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a EIF5A2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21217pBluescriptR-EIF4E3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-EIF4E3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a EIF4E3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21218pBluescriptR-GIPC2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GIPC2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GIPC2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21219pBluescriptR-DDIASGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DDIAS plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DDIAS vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21220pBluescriptRACSS1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptRACSS1 plasmid. The pBluescriptRACSS1 promotor is combined with a  vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21221pBluescriptR-GABPB1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GABPB1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GABPB1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21222pBluescriptR-LCA5LGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LCA5L plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LCA5L vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21223pBluescriptR-TEFGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TEF plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TEF vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21224pBluescriptR-MCM4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MCM4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MCM4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21225pBluescriptR-WWP1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-WWP1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a WWP1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21226pBluescriptR-PEX12Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PEX12 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PEX12 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21227pBluescriptR-GAGE1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GAGE1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GAGE1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21228pBluescriptR-B3GALNT2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-B3GALNT2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a B3GALNT2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21229pBluescriptR-TMEM120AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TMEM120A plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TMEM120A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21230pBluescriptR-PFN4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PFN4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PFN4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21231pBluescriptR-CEP112Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CEP112 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CEP112 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21232pBluescriptR-FAM71CGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FAM71C plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FAM71C vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21233pBluescriptR-PALM2AKAP2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PALM2AKAP2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PALM2AKAP2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21234pBluescriptR-ARNT2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ARNT2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ARNT2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21235pBluescriptR-POU5F2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-POU5F2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a POU5F2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21236pBluescriptR-PDS5BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PDS5B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PDS5B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21237pBluescriptR-HSPA2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-HSPA2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a HSPA2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21238pBluescriptR-DNAJB8Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DNAJB8 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DNAJB8 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21239pBluescriptR-RSPH9Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RSPH9 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RSPH9 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21240pBluescriptR-GYG1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GYG1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GYG1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21241pBluescriptR-C11orf65Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-C11orf65 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a C11orf65 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21242pBluescriptR-MTFR1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MTFR1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MTFR1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21243pBluescriptR-PLS1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PLS1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PLS1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21244pBluescriptR-SEPTIN6Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SEPTIN6 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SEPTIN6 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21245pBluescriptR-IQCF1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-IQCF1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a IQCF1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21246pBluescriptR-GABRG1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GABRG1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GABRG1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21247pBluescriptR-NLRP2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NLRP2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NLRP2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21248pBluescriptR-FAM20AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FAM20A plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FAM20A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21249pBluescriptR-TEX12Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TEX12 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TEX12 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21250pBluescriptR-MLLT3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MLLT3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MLLT3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21251pBluescriptR-TEX37Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TEX37 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TEX37 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21252pBluescriptR-TMEM178AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TMEM178A plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TMEM178A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21253pBluescriptR-AADATGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-AADAT plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a AADAT vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21254pBluescriptR-ACBD7Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ACBD7 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ACBD7 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21255pBluescriptR-CT47A4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CT47A4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CT47A4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21256pBluescriptR-CELF1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CELF1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CELF1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21257pBluescriptR-UGCGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-UGCG plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a UGCG vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21258pBluescriptR-PLXDC1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PLXDC1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PLXDC1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21259pBluescriptR-TERB2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TERB2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TERB2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21260pBluescriptR-C18orf54Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-C18orf54 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a C18orf54 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21261pBluescriptR-ALG1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ALG1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ALG1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21262pBluescriptR-BAALC-AS2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-BAALC-AS2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a BAALC vector sequence and a AS2 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21263pBluescriptR-GSPT2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GSPT2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GSPT2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21264pBluescriptR-NUDT9P1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NUDT9P1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NUDT9P1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21265pBluescriptR-SKAP2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SKAP2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SKAP2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21266pBluescriptR-ZNF18Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZNF18 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZNF18 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21267pBluescriptR-C1QTNF5Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-C1QTNF5 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a C1QTNF5 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21268pBluescriptR-TMEM47Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TMEM47 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TMEM47 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21269pBluescriptR-FUT9Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FUT9 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FUT9 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21270pBluescriptR-FGFR2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FGFR2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FGFR2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21271pBluescriptR-ADAM22Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ADAM22 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ADAM22 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21272pBluescriptR-PCDH8Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PCDH8 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PCDH8 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21273pBluescriptR-GADD45AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GADD45A plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GADD45A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21274pBluescriptR-KCTD17Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KCTD17 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KCTD17 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21275pBluescriptR-IL17DGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-IL17D plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a IL17D vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21276pBluescriptR-TTC9BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TTC9B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TTC9B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21277pBluescriptR-ISL1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ISL1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ISL1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21278pBluescriptR-TRAF5Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TRAF5 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TRAF5 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21279pBluescriptR-CCDC112Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CCDC112 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CCDC112 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21280pBluescriptR-MGC39545Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MGC39545 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MGC39545 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21281pBluescriptR-BIDGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-BID plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a BID vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21282pBluescriptR-FAM160B1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FAM160B1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FAM160B1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21283pBluescriptR-RCAN2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RCAN2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RCAN2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21284pBluescriptR-SLC6A11Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SLC6A11 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SLC6A11 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21285pBluescriptR-C8orf48Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-C8orf48 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a C8orf48 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21286pBluescriptR-OSTalphaGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-OSTalpha plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a OSTalpha vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21287pBluescriptR-NUDT16Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NUDT16 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NUDT16 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21288pBluescriptR-TTC16Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TTC16 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TTC16 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21289pBluescriptR-RALYLGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RALYL plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RALYL vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21290pBluescriptR-RICTORGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RICTOR plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RICTOR vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21291pBluescriptR-DENND6AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DENND6A plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DENND6A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21292pBluescriptR-TMEM237Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TMEM237 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TMEM237 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21293pBluescriptR-SMAP1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SMAP1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SMAP1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21294pBluescriptR-LINC00305Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LINC00305 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LINC00305 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21295pBluescriptR-PLD6Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PLD6 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PLD6 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21296pBluescriptR-DENND6BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DENND6B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DENND6B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21297pBluescriptR-MCUGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MCU plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MCU vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21298pBluescriptR-CAGE1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CAGE1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CAGE1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21299pBluescriptR-MYL12AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MYL12A plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MYL12A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21300pBluescriptR-SIRPAGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SIRPA plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SIRPA vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21301pBluescriptR-CACNB1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CACNB1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CACNB1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21302pBluescriptR-L3MBTL4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-L3MBTL4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a L3MBTL4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21303pBluescriptR-DMRTB1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DMRTB1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DMRTB1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21304pBluescriptR-CCDC67Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CCDC67 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CCDC67 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21305pBluescriptR-C1orf71Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-C1orf71 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a C1orf71 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21306pRC-CMVGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized RC-CMV Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pRC-CMV plasmid. The pRC promotor is combined with a CMV vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21307pBluescriptR-CTNNA1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CTNNA1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CTNNA1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21308pBluescriptR-SYT9Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SYT9 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SYT9 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21309pBluescriptR-TTLL6Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TTLL6 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TTLL6 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21310pBluescriptR-LINC00471Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LINC00471 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LINC00471 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21311pBluescriptR-ARFGAP3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ARFGAP3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ARFGAP3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21312pBluescriptR-STK33Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-STK33 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a STK33 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21313pBluescriptR-FAM126BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FAM126B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FAM126B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21314pBluescriptR-CUL4BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CUL4B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CUL4B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21315pBluescriptR-LOC255374Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LOC255374 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LOC255374 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21316pBluescriptR-ZZZ3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZZZ3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZZZ3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21317pBluescriptR-PASD1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PASD1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PASD1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21318pBluescriptR-ZNF606Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZNF606 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZNF606 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21319pBluescriptR-CCDC36Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CCDC36 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CCDC36 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21320pBluescriptR-SEMA3DGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SEMA3D plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SEMA3D vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21321pBluescriptR-BACE1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-BACE1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a BACE1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21322pBluescriptR-SRFBP1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SRFBP1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SRFBP1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21323pBluescriptR-PROCA1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PROCA1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PROCA1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21324pBluescriptR-ZCCHC3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZCCHC3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZCCHC3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21325pBluescriptR-RNF103Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RNF103 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RNF103 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21326pBluescriptR-DGKAGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DGKA plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DGKA vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21327pBluescriptR-CCDC14Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CCDC14 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CCDC14 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21328pBluescriptR-SMYD4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SMYD4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SMYD4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21329pBluescriptR-STAT4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-STAT4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a STAT4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21330pBluescriptR-CLEC1BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CLEC1B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CLEC1B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21331pBluescriptR-ERICH6Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ERICH6 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ERICH6 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21332pBluescriptR-UPP2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-UPP2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a UPP2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21333pBluescriptR-SEPT7Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SEPT7 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a 39326 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21334pBluescriptR-FAM177A1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FAM177A1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FAM177A1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21335pBluescriptR-PLAAT5Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PLAAT5 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PLAAT5 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21336pBluescriptR-PCDHB16Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PCDHB16 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PCDHB16 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21337pBluescriptR-HAAOGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-HAAO plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a HAAO vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21338pBluescriptR-TGIF1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TGIF1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TGIF1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21339pBluescriptR-TMEM31Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TMEM31 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TMEM31 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21340pBluescriptR-NIM1KGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NIM1K plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NIM1K vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21341pBluescriptR-ALDH5A1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ALDH5A1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ALDH5A1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21342pBluescriptR-NEUROD6Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NEUROD6 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NEUROD6 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21343pBluescriptR-RAPGEF4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RAPGEF4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RAPGEF4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21344pBluescriptR-GPX4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GPX4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GPX4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21345pBluescriptR-SGIP1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SGIP1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SGIP1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21346pBluescriptR-FMR1NBGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FMR1NB plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FMR1NB vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21347pBluescriptR-TMEFF1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TMEFF1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TMEFF1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21348pBluescriptR-CFAP206Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CFAP206 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CFAP206 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21349pBluescriptR-TMEM251Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TMEM251 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TMEM251 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21350pBluescriptR-LINC00508Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LINC00508 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LINC00508 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21351pBluescriptR-EBAG9Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-EBAG9 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a EBAG9 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21352pBluescriptR-CREG2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CREG2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CREG2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21353pBluescriptR-RAB37Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RAB37 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RAB37 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21354pBluescriptR-DYNC1I1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DYNC1I1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DYNC1I1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21355pBluescriptR-ZNF550Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZNF550 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZNF550 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21356pBluescriptR-BVESGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-BVES plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a BVES vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21357pBluescriptR-DOC2AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DOC2A plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DOC2A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21358pBluescriptR-ERO1BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ERO1B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ERO1B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21359pBluescriptR-DLX1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DLX1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DLX1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21360pBluescriptR-C12orf66Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-C12orf66 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a C12orf66 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21361pBluescriptR-RIMBP3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RIMBP3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RIMBP3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21362pBluescriptR-EP400Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-EP400 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a EP400 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21363pBluescriptR-CDR2LGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CDR2L plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CDR2L vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21364pCMV-SPORT6-AACSGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-AACS Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-AACS plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a AACS gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21365pBluescriptR-TOMM40Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TOMM40 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TOMM40 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21366pBluescriptR-ZNF92Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZNF92 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZNF92 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21367pBluescriptR-PDE4DGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PDE4D plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PDE4D vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21368pBluescriptR-CELF2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CELF2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CELF2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21369pBluescriptR-LYPD6BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LYPD6B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LYPD6B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21370pBluescriptR-ZNF431Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZNF431 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZNF431 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21371pBluescriptR-SPPL2BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SPPL2B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SPPL2B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21372pBluescriptR-DTLGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DTL plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DTL vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21373pBluescriptR-FAM27E3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FAM27E3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FAM27E3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21374pBluescriptR-ISCA2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ISCA2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ISCA2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21375pBluescriptR-CMTM3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CMTM3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CMTM3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21376pBluescriptR-RHOBTB1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RHOBTB1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RHOBTB1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21377pBluescriptR-VAT1LGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-VAT1L plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a VAT1L vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21378pBluescriptR-KCNA3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KCNA3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KCNA3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21379pBluescriptR-ITPRIPGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ITPRIP plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ITPRIP vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21380pBluescriptR-HTR7Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-HTR7 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a HTR7 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21381pBluescriptR-KLHDC3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KLHDC3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KLHDC3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21382pBluescriptR-ZC3H3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZC3H3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZC3H3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21383pBluescriptR-LOC439933Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LOC439933 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LOC439933 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21384pBluescriptR-MARCHF9Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MARCHF9 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MARCHF9 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21385pBluescriptR-CCDC60Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CCDC60 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CCDC60 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21386pBluescriptR-EMC1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-EMC1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a EMC1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21387pBluescriptR-TTMEM171Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TTMEM171 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TTMEM171 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21388pBluescriptR-PARNGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PARN plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PARN vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21389pBluescriptR-VPS54Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-VPS54 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a VPS54 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21390pCMV-SPORT6-TIGD1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-TIGD1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-TIGD1 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a TIGD1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21391pBluescriptR-LRRN3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LRRN3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LRRN3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21392pBluescriptR-RBM17Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RBM17 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RBM17 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21393pBluescriptR-ATG4AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ATG4A plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ATG4A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21394pBluescriptR-RAB15Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RAB15 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RAB15 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21395pBluescriptR-PCP2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PCP2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PCP2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21396pBluescriptR-CYTH2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CYTH2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CYTH2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21397pBluescriptR-LZTFL1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LZTFL1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LZTFL1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21398pBluescriptR-CRY2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CRY2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CRY2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21399pBluescriptR-TRAK2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TRAK2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TRAK2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21400pBluescriptR-SELENOTGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SELENOT plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SELENOT vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21401pBluescriptR-SORBS1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SORBS1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SORBS1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21402pBluescriptR-LRRC3BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LRRC3B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LRRC3B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21403pBluescriptR-ZNF785Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZNF785 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZNF785 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21404pBluescriptR-SMIM10L2AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SMIM10L2A plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SMIM10L2A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21405pBluescriptR-CXCL16Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CXCL16 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CXCL16 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21406pBluescriptR-TTC30AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TTC30A plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TTC30A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21407pBluescriptR-GNAZGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GNAZ plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GNAZ vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21408pBluescriptR-PLEKHA1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PLEKHA1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PLEKHA1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21409pBluescriptR-ZDHHC21Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZDHHC21 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZDHHC21 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21410pBluescriptR-RAG1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RAG1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RAG1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21411pBluescriptR-WDR75Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-WDR75 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a WDR75 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21412pBluescriptR-VPS41Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-VPS41 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a VPS41 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21413pBluescriptR-BTBD6Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-BTBD6 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a BTBD6 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21414pBluescriptR-C4orf21Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-C4orf21 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a C4orf21 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21415pBluescriptR-SLAIN2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SLAIN2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SLAIN2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21416pBluescriptR-SNX32Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SNX32 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SNX32 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21417pBluescriptR-EFCAB13Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-EFCAB13 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a EFCAB13 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21418pBluescriptR-NKAIN2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NKAIN2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NKAIN2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21419pBluescriptR-NMUR1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NMUR1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NMUR1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21420pBluescriptR-RAB28Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RAB28 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RAB28 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21421pBluescriptR-FAM47BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FAM47B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FAM47B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21422pBluescriptR-OOSP2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-OOSP2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a OOSP2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21423pBluescriptR-TMC5Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TMC5 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TMC5 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21424pBluescriptR-CDH3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CDH3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CDH3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21425pBluescriptR-ZNF165Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZNF165 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZNF165 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21426pBluescriptR-DNAJC5GGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DNAJC5G plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DNAJC5G vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21427pBluescriptR-CCDC110Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CCDC110 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CCDC110 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21428pBluescriptR-LCORLGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LCORL plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LCORL vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21429pBluescriptR-ARHGAP20Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ARHGAP20 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ARHGAP20 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21430pBluescriptR-GABBR1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GABBR1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GABBR1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21431pBluescriptR-VSIG1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-VSIG1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a VSIG1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21432pBluescriptR-UBE2D3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-UBE2D3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a UBE2D3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21433pBluescriptR-TACC1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TACC1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TACC1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21434pBluescriptR-TUBGCP3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TUBGCP3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TUBGCP3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21435pBluescriptR-HSFY1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-HSFY1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a HSFY1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21436pBluescriptR-EAF1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-EAF1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a EAF1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21437pBluescriptR-RABGAP1LGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RABGAP1L plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RABGAP1L vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21438pBluescriptR-C4orf19Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-C4orf19 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a C4orf19 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21439pBluescriptR-C9orf131Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-C9orf131 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a C9orf131 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21440pBluescriptR-MARCHF3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MARCHF3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MARCHF3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21441pBluescriptR-CRADDGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CRADD plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CRADD vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21442pBluescriptR-TLK2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TLK2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TLK2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21443pBluescriptR-CDKL3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CDKL3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CDKL3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21444pBluescriptR-GUCY1B1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GUCY1B1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GUCY1B1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21445pBluescriptR-DAZ4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DAZ4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DAZ4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21446pBluescriptR-FSIP1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FSIP1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FSIP1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21447pBluescriptR-CTBP2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CTBP2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CTBP2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21448pBluescriptR-ANKRD39Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ANKRD39 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ANKRD39 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21449pBluescriptR-CSNK1G3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CSNK1G3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CSNK1G3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21450pBluescriptR-BTBD7Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-BTBD7 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a BTBD7 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21451pBluescriptR-NRN1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NRN1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NRN1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21452pBluescriptR-RIMS2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RIMS2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RIMS2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21453pBluescriptR-FIG4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FIG4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FIG4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21454pBluescriptR-GRM3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GRM3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GRM3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21455pBluescriptR-DTD1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DTD1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DTD1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21456pBluescriptR-KBTBD2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KBTBD2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KBTBD2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21457pBluescriptR-ZNF428Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZNF428 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZNF428 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21458pBluescriptR-FAM226BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FAM226B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FAM226B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21459pBluescriptR-LUZP1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LUZP1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LUZP1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21460pBluescriptR-CHRM5Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CHRM5 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CHRM5 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21461pBluescriptR-RPRMLGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RPRML plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RPRML vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21462pBluescriptR-ASB17Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ASB17 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ASB17 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21463pBluescriptR-CCNJGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CCNJ plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CCNJ vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21464pBluescriptR-LRFN5Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LRFN5 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LRFN5 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21465pBluescriptR-ETS2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ETS2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ETS2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21466pBluescriptR-SGMS2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SGMS2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SGMS2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21467pBluescriptR-SESTD1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SESTD1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SESTD1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21468pBluescriptR-ARHGEF25Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ARHGEF25 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ARHGEF25 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21469pBluescriptR-NLGN3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NLGN3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NLGN3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21470pBluescriptR-ASXL2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ASXL2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ASXL2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21471pBluescriptR-ANGEL2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ANGEL2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ANGEL2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21472pBluescriptR-FLJ37201Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FLJ37201 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FLJ37201 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21473pBluescriptR-PRR30Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PRR30 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PRR30 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21474pBluescriptR-CELF4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CELF4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CELF4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21475pBluescriptR-GCLMGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GCLM plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GCLM vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21476pBluescriptR-DCP1BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DCP1B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DCP1B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21477pBluescriptR-CMTM8Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CMTM8 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CMTM8 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21478pBluescriptR-SLC27A6Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SLC27A6 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SLC27A6 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21479pBluescriptR-B4GALT1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-B4GALT1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a B4GALT1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21480pBluescriptR-GABRG3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GABRG3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GABRG3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21481pBluescriptR-ADNP2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ADNP2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ADNP2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21482pBluescriptR-KLHDC5Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KLHDC5 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KLHDC5 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21483pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Capn1-rGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Ca Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Capn1-r plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6.ccdb vector sequence and a Capn1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21484pCMV-SPORT6-KANSL1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-KANSL1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-KANSL1 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a KANSL1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21485pCR-XL-TOPO-RPTORGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CR-XL-TOPO-RPTOR Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCR-XL-TOPO-RPTOR plasmid. The pCR promotor is combined with a XL vector sequence and a TOPO gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21486pCMV-SPORT6-HCFC1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-HCFC1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-HCFC1 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a HCFC1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21487pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Ctsf-rGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Ctsf-r Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6.ccdb-Ctsf-r plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6.ccdb vector sequence and a Ctsf gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21488pCMV-SPORT6-Sod2-mGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-Sod2-m Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-Sod2-m plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a Sod2 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21489MT-ITGA2B(814+1882)-T2B-ITGB3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized  Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the MT-ITGA2B(814+1882)-T2B-ITGB3 plasmid. The MT promotor is combined with a ITGA2B(814+1882) vector sequence and a T2B gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21490pBluescriptR-DNAH14Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DNAH14 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DNAH14 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21491pBluescriptR-TNPO3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TNPO3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TNPO3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21492pBluescriptR-AGGF1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-AGGF1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a AGGF1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21493pECMV-3×FLAG-ZNF219Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized ECMV-3×FLAG-ZNF219 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pECMV-3×FLAG-ZNF219 plasmid. The pECMV promotor is combined with a 3×FLAG vector sequence and a ZNF219 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21494pCDNA3.1-KRT1-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1-KRT1-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1-KRT1-3×FLAG plasmid. The pCDNA3.1 promotor is combined with a KRT1 vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21495pCDNA3.0-HA-NS4B-bGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.0-HA-NS4B-b Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.0-HA-NS4B-b plasmid. The pCDNA3.0 promotor is combined with a HA vector sequence and a NS4B gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21496pEnCMV-NRAS WT-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-NRAS WT-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-NRAS WT-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a NRAS WT vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21497pEnCMV-EGFR WT-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-EGFR WT-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-EGFR WT-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a EGFR WT vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21498pBluescriptR-GABRA4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GABRA4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GABRA4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21499pCMV-PE2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-PE2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-PE2 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a PE2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21500pCR4-TOPO-GABRR2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CR4-TOPO-GABRR2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCR4-TOPO-GABRR2 plasmid. The pCR4 promotor is combined with a TOPO vector sequence and a GABRR2 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21501pCR4-TOPO-TP73Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CR4-TOPO-TP73 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCR4-TOPO-TP73 plasmid. The pCR4 promotor is combined with a TOPO vector sequence and a TP73 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21502pCR4-TOPO-GABRR1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CR4-TOPO-GABRR1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCR4-TOPO-GABRR1 plasmid. The pCR4 promotor is combined with a TOPO vector sequence and a GABRR1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21503pEnCMV-KRAS-Q61H-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-KRAS-Q61H-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-KRAS-Q61H-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a KRAS vector sequence and a Q61H gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21504pEnCMV-KRAS WT-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-KRAS WT-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-KRAS WT-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a KRAS WT vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21505pEnCMV-NRAS-Q61R-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-NRAS-Q61R-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-NRAS-Q61R-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a NRAS vector sequence and a Q61R gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21506pET28a-IL3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized ET28a-IL3 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pET28a-IL3 plasmid. The pET28a promotor is combined with a IL3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21507pDNR-LIB-NRASGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized DNR-LIB-NRAS Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pDNR-LIB-NRAS plasmid. The pDNR promotor is combined with a LIB vector sequence and a NRAS gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21508pCR-BluntII-TOPO-Smc1a-mGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CR-BluntII-TOPO-Smc1a-m Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCR-BluntII-TOPO-Smc1a-m plasmid. The pCR promotor is combined with a BluntII vector sequence and a TOPO gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21509pCR-BluntII-TOPO-Serpina3c-mGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CR-BluntII-TOPO-Ser Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCR-BluntII-TOPO-Serpina3c-m plasmid. The pCR promotor is combined with a BluntII vector sequence and a TOPO gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21510pRCC-KGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized RCC-K Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pRCC-K plasmid. The pRCC promotor is combined with a K vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21511pU6-Sp-pegRNA-HEK3_CTT_insGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized U6-S Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pU6-Sp-pegRNA-HEK3_CTT_ins plasmid. The pU6 promotor is combined with a Sp vector sequence and a pegRNA gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21512pRCC-NGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized RCC-N Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pRCC-N plasmid. The pRCC promotor is combined with a N vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21513pCMV-SPORT6-ATP6V1B1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-ATP6V1B1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-ATP6V1B1 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a ATP6V1B1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21514pCR-BluntII-TOPO-Fbxw7-mGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CR-BluntII-TOPO-Fbxw7-m Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCR-BluntII-TOPO-Fbxw7-m plasmid. The pCR promotor is combined with a BluntII vector sequence and a TOPO gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21515pCMV-SPORT6-Kif2a-mGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-Kif2a-m Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-Kif2a-m plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a Kif2a gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21516pGH-SP-IAic-3LGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized GH-SP-IAic-3L Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pGH-SP-IAic-3L plasmid. The pGH promotor is combined with a SP vector sequence and a IAic gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21517pCDNA3.1-CACNA1D-FLAG-6×HISGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1-CACNA1D-FLAG-6×HIS Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1-CACNA1D-FLAG-6×HIS plasmid. The pCDNA3.1 promotor is combined with a CACNA1D vector sequence and a FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21518pECMV-UPF1-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized ECMV-UPF1-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pECMV-UPF1-3×FLAG plasmid. The pECMV promotor is combined with a UPF1 vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21519pLJM-SRE-mCherryGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LJM-SRE-mCherry Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLJM-SRE-mCherry plasmid. The pLJM promotor is combined with a SRE vector sequence and a mCherry gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21520pRSET-BFPGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized RSET-BFP Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pRSET-BFP plasmid. The pRSET promotor is combined with a BFP vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21521pECMV-Ddit3-m-MycGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized ECMV-Ddit3-m-Myc Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pECMV-Ddit3-m-Myc plasmid. The pECMV promotor is combined with a Ddit3 vector sequence and a m gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21522pRS304-TEF1-MCSGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized RS304-TEF1-MCS Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pRS304-TEF1-MCS plasmid. The pRS304 promotor is combined with a TEF1 vector sequence and a MCS gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21523pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-Ptx3-m-shRNA1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-Ptx3-m-shRNA1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-Ptx3-m-shRNA1 plasmid. The pLVshRNA promotor is combined with a EGFP(2A)Puro vector sequence and a Ptx3 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21524pHT254Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized HT254 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pHT254 plasmid. The pHT254 promotor is combined with a  vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21525pECMV-GLIS2-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized ECMV-GLIS2-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pECMV-GLIS2-3×FLAG plasmid. The pECMV promotor is combined with a GLIS2 vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21526pMSP3535Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized MSP3535 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pMSP3535 plasmid. The pMSP3535 promotor is combined with a  vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21527pCold-NusA-Thrombin SiteGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Cold-NusA-Thrombin Site Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCold-NusA-Thrombin Site plasmid. The pCold promotor is combined with a NusA vector sequence and a Thrombin Site gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21528pLVX-C1QTNF6-FLAG-PuroGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LVX-C1QTNF6-FLAG-Puro Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLVX-C1QTNF6-FLAG-Puro plasmid. The pLVX promotor is combined with a C1QTNF6 vector sequence and a FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21529pEnCMV-NRAS-G12D-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-NRAS-G12D-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-NRAS-G12D-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a NRAS vector sequence and a G12D gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21530pEnCMV-NRAS-G13D-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-NRAS-G13D-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-NRAS-G13D-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a NRAS vector sequence and a G13D gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21531pTurboRFP-NBR1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized TurboRFP-NBR1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pTurboRFP-NBR1 plasmid. The pTurboRFP promotor is combined with a NBR1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21532pGL3-Basic-USP4 promoterGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized GL3-Basic-USP4  Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pGL3-Basic-USP4 promoter plasmid. The pGL3 promotor is combined with a Basic vector sequence and a USP4 promoter gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21533pECMV-3×FLAG-GLIS2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized ECMV-3×FLAG-GLIS2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pECMV-3×FLAG-GLIS2 plasmid. The pECMV promotor is combined with a 3×FLAG vector sequence and a GLIS2 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21534pTOPO-FAM86B1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized TOPO-FAM86B1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pTOPO-FAM86B1 plasmid. The pTOPO promotor is combined with a FAM86B1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21535pCDNA3.1-USP44-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1-USP44-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1-USP44-3×FLAG plasmid. The pCDNA3.1 promotor is combined with a USP44 vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21536pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-LNC2 e3-shRNA3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-LNC2 e3-shRNA3 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-LNC2 e3-shRNA3 plasmid. The pLVshRNA promotor is combined with a EGFP(2A)Puro vector sequence and a LNC2 e3 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21537pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-LNC2 e3-shRNA2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-LNC2 e3-shRNA2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-LNC2 e3-shRNA2 plasmid. The pLVshRNA promotor is combined with a EGFP(2A)Puro vector sequence and a LNC2 e3 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21538pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-LNC2 e3-shRNA1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-LNC2 e3-shRNA1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-LNC2 e3-shRNA1 plasmid. The pLVshRNA promotor is combined with a EGFP(2A)Puro vector sequence and a LNC2 e3 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21539pET28a-GST-IRF3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized ET28a-GST-IRF3 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pET28a-GST-IRF3 plasmid. The pET28a promotor is combined with a GST vector sequence and a IRF3 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21540pBluescriptR-FAM131BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FAM131B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FAM131B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21541pBluescriptR-TEX2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TEX2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TEX2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21542pBluescriptR-PODNGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PODN plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PODN vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21543pBluescriptR-TSPYL5Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TSPYL5 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TSPYL5 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21544pBluescriptR-SCRN1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SCRN1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SCRN1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21545pBluescriptR-NPHP4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NPHP4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NPHP4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21546pBluescriptR-CAMK2AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CAMK2A plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CAMK2A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21547pBluescriptR-GALNT4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GALNT4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GALNT4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21548pBluescriptR-PCYT1BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PCYT1B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PCYT1B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21549pBluescriptR-AMBRA1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-AMBRA1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a AMBRA1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21550pBluescriptR-DIXDC1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DIXDC1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DIXDC1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21551pBluescriptR-PPP2R5BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PPP2R5B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PPP2R5B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21552pBluescriptR-PFKFB3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PFKFB3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PFKFB3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21553pBluescriptR-PRKAA1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PRKAA1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PRKAA1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21554pBluescriptR-MXI1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MXI1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MXI1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21555pCMV-SPORT6-NISCHGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-NISCH Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-NISCH plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a NISCH gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21556pBluescriptR-CNOT1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CNOT1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CNOT1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21557pBluescriptR-TGFBR2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TGFBR2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TGFBR2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21558pOTB7-PCSK2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized OTB7-PCSK2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pOTB7-PCSK2 plasmid. The pOTB7 promotor is combined with a PCSK2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21559pBluescriptR-PPFIBP1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PPFIBP1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PPFIBP1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21560pBluescriptR-MB21D2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MB21D2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MB21D2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21561pBluescriptR-KIAA0802Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KIAA0802 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KIAA0802 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21562pBluescriptR-ATP8B3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ATP8B3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ATP8B3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21563pBluescriptR-BAG4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-BAG4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a BAG4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21564pBluescriptR-CCDC117Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CCDC117 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CCDC117 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21565pBluescriptR-SLC9C2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SLC9C2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SLC9C2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21566pBluescriptR-ZNF140Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZNF140 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZNF140 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21567pUC57-Simple-gRNA backboneGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized UC57-Sim Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pUC57-Simple-gRNA backbone plasmid. The pUC57 promotor is combined with a Simple vector sequence and a gRNA backbone gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21568pBluescriptR-MADDGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MADD plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MADD vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21569pBluescriptR-ACVR1BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ACVR1B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ACVR1B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21570pBluescriptR-SLITRK4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SLITRK4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SLITRK4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21571pBluescriptR-TSLPGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TSLP plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TSLP vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21572pBluescriptR-MTCH1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MTCH1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MTCH1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21573pBluescriptR-CDH2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CDH2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CDH2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21574pBluescriptR-CNEP1R1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CNEP1R1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CNEP1R1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21575pBluescriptR-RB1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RB1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RB1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21576pBluescriptR-SFRP1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SFRP1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SFRP1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21577pBluescriptR-TC2NGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TC2N plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TC2N vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21578pBluescriptR-MAP3K12Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MAP3K12 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MAP3K12 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21579pBluescriptR-MFSD4AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MFSD4A plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MFSD4A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21580pBluescriptR-LOXHD1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LOXHD1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LOXHD1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21581pBluescriptR-ARMCX5-GPRASP2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ARMCX5-GPRASP2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ARMCX5 vector sequence and a GPRASP2 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21582pBluescriptR-MTDHGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MTDH plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MTDH vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21583pBluescriptR-SENP1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SENP1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SENP1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21584pBluescriptR-ZNF227Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZNF227 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZNF227 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21585pBluescriptR-EMX1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-EMX1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a EMX1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21586pBluescriptR-RANBP3LGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RANBP3L plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RANBP3L vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21587pBluescriptR-TENT2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TENT2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TENT2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21588pBluescriptR-RHOBTB3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RHOBTB3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RHOBTB3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21589pBluescriptR-FAM219AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FAM219A plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FAM219A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21590pBluescriptR-LRP11Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LRP11 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LRP11 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21591pBluescriptR-TSSK2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TSSK2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TSSK2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21592pBluescriptR-ZNF512Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZNF512 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZNF512 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21593pBluescriptR-RAP2AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RAP2A plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RAP2A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21594pBluescriptR-SLAIN1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SLAIN1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SLAIN1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21595pBluescriptR-TWF1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TWF1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TWF1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21596pBluescriptR-C14orf145Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-C14orf145 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a C14orf145 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21597pBluescriptR-UBE2R2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-UBE2R2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a UBE2R2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21598pBluescriptR-WASLGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-WASL plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a WASL vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21599pBluescriptR-ZFP91Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZFP91 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZFP91 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21600pBluescriptR-GALNT7Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GALNT7 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GALNT7 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21601pBluescriptR-IL33Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-IL33 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a IL33 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21602pBluescriptR-NCEH1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NCEH1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NCEH1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21603pBluescriptR-PKP4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PKP4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PKP4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21604pBluescriptR-SETDB2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SETDB2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SETDB2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21605pBluescriptR-KBTBD2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KBTBD2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KBTBD2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21606pBluescriptR-JAKMIP1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-JAKMIP1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a JAKMIP1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21607pBluescriptR-SPECC1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SPECC1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SPECC1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21608pBluescriptR-RNF182Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RNF182 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RNF182 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21609pBluescriptR-KIAA1529Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KIAA1529 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KIAA1529 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21610pBluescriptR-SOX6Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SOX6 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SOX6 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21611pBluescriptR-AMIGO2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-AMIGO2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a AMIGO2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21612pBluescriptR-STK32CGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-STK32C plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a STK32C vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21613pBluescriptR-SERHL2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SERHL2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SERHL2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21614pBluescriptR-CAPN7Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CAPN7 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CAPN7 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21615pBluescriptR-SLC2A13Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SLC2A13 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SLC2A13 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21616pBluescriptR-COMMD7Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-COMMD7 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a COMMD7 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21617pBluescriptR-RETREG3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RETREG3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RETREG3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21618pBluescriptR-ZNF354AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZNF354A plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZNF354A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21619pBluescriptR-DDX59Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DDX59 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DDX59 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21620pBluescriptR-TBC1D26Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TBC1D26 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TBC1D26 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21621pBluescriptR-TMEM17Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TMEM17 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TMEM17 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21622pBluescriptR-TIPARPGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TIPARP plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TIPARP vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21623pBluescriptR-B3GALNT1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-B3GALNT1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a B3GALNT1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21624pBluescriptR-PCDHB12Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PCDHB12 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PCDHB12 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21625pBluescriptR-NKAIN4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NKAIN4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NKAIN4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21626pBluescriptR-PNMA8AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PNMA8A plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PNMA8A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21627pBluescriptR-PRKAA1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PRKAA1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PRKAA1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21628pBluescriptR-HEATR4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-HEATR4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a HEATR4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21629pBluescriptR-BOLA3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-BOLA3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a BOLA3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21630pBluescriptR-CHST7Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CHST7 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CHST7 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21631pBluescriptR-DHFR2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DHFR2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DHFR2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21632pBluescriptR-LSM12Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LSM12 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LSM12 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21633pBluescriptR-GNALGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GNAL plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GNAL vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21634pBluescriptR-SPARTGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SPART plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SPART vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21635pBluescriptR-TMPRSS12Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TMPRSS12 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TMPRSS12 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21636pBluescriptR-PFN1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PFN1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PFN1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21637pBluescriptR-TRIM40Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TRIM40 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TRIM40 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21638pBluescriptR-UBXN10Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-UBXN10 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a UBXN10 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21639pBluescriptR-TMEM154Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TMEM154 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TMEM154 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21640pBluescriptR-GJB7Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GJB7 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GJB7 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21641pBluescriptR-FAM98AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FAM98A plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FAM98A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21642pBluescriptR-KLHDC10Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KLHDC10 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KLHDC10 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21643pBluescriptR-SLC9B2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SLC9B2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SLC9B2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21644pBluescriptR-ECHDC2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ECHDC2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ECHDC2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21645pBluescriptR-DIAPH3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DIAPH3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DIAPH3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21646pBluescriptR-ACSL6Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ACSL6 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ACSL6 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21647pBluescriptR-CIARTGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CIART plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CIART vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21648pBluescriptR-DERL3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DERL3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DERL3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21649pBluescriptR-LMBRD1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LMBRD1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LMBRD1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21650pBluescriptR-EMBGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-EMB plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a EMB vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21651pBluescriptR-CA4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CA4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CA4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21652pBluescriptR-CSH1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CSH1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CSH1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21653pBluescriptR-CALHM4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CALHM4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CALHM4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21654pBluescriptR-ZNF433Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZNF433 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZNF433 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21655pBluescriptR-SLC36A4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SLC36A4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SLC36A4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21656pBluescriptR-GNAQGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GNAQ plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GNAQ vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21657pCMV-SPORT6-PB1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-PB1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-PB1 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a PB1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21658pBluescriptR-NCAPD3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NCAPD3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NCAPD3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21659pCMV-SPORT6-TMCC2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-TMCC2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-TMCC2 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a TMCC2 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21660pCMV-SPORT6-PNPLA3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-PNPLA3 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-PNPLA3 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a PNPLA3 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21661pCMV-SPORT6-FAM122CGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-FAM122C Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-FAM122C plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a FAM122C gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21662pCMV-SPORT6-TM6SF1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-TM6SF1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-TM6SF1 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a TM6SF1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21663pCMV-SPORT6-KIAA0841Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-KIAA0841 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-KIAA0841 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a KIAA0841 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21664pCMV-SPORT6.1-Ehd3-mGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6.1-Ehd3-m Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6.1-Ehd3-m plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6.1 vector sequence and a Ehd3 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21665pOTB7-HGSGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized OTB7-HGS Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pOTB7-HGS plasmid. The pOTB7 promotor is combined with a HGS vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21666pDNR-LIB-AGERGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized DNR-LIB-AGER Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pDNR-LIB-AGER plasmid. The pDNR promotor is combined with a LIB vector sequence and a AGER gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21667pOTB7-NAGPAGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized OTB7-NAGPA Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pOTB7-NAGPA plasmid. The pOTB7 promotor is combined with a NAGPA vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21668pGADT7-Rec-53-mGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized GADT7-Rec-53-m Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pGADT7-Rec-53-m plasmid. The pGADT7 promotor is combined with a Rec vector sequence and a 53 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21669pHT1469Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized HT1469 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pHT1469 plasmid. The pHT1469 promotor is combined with a  vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21670pTOPO-DPP4-pGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized TOPO-DPP4- Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pTOPO-DPP4-p plasmid. The pTOPO promotor is combined with a DPP4 vector sequence and a p gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21671pCDH-CMV-KLHL29-HA-EF1-PuroGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDH-CMV-KLHL29-HA-EF1-Puro Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDH-CMV-KLHL29-HA-EF1-Puro plasmid. The pCDH promotor is combined with a CMV vector sequence and a KLHL29 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21672pMD18-THBS1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized MD18-THBS1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pMD18-THBS1 plasmid. The pMD18 promotor is combined with a THBS1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21673TAGZymepQE-1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized QE-1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the TAGZymepQE-1 plasmid. The TAGZymepQE promotor is combined with a 1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21674pmScarlet-FAM129BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized mScarlet-FAM129B Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pmScarlet-FAM129B plasmid. The pmScarlet promotor is combined with a FAM129B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21675pTRKH2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized TRKH2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pTRKH2 plasmid. The pTRKH2 promotor is combined with a  vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21676pET21a-beta subunit-beta’ subunitGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized ET21a-beta subunit-beta’ subunit Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pET21a-beta subunit-beta’ subunit plasmid. The pET21a promotor is combined with a beta subunit vector sequence and a beta’ subunit gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21677pBluescriptR-MORC3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MORC3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MORC3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21678pCR4-TOPO-SNX18Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CR4-TOPO-SNX18 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCR4-TOPO-SNX18 plasmid. The pCR4 promotor is combined with a TOPO vector sequence and a SNX18 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21679pBluescriptR-SNX18Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SNX18 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SNX18 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21680pOTB7-EHD4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized OTB7-EHD4 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pOTB7-EHD4 plasmid. The pOTB7 promotor is combined with a EHD4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21681pEnCMV-NAGPA-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-NAGPA-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-NAGPA-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a NAGPA vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21682pCDNA3.1-AURKB-2-3×HAGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1-AURKB-2-3×HA Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1-AURKB-2-3×HA plasmid. The pCDNA3.1 promotor is combined with a AURKB vector sequence and a 2 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21683pEnCMV-EGFR T790M-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-EGFR T790M-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-EGFR T790M-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a EGFR T790M vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21684pET16b-recA promoter-2-EGFPGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized ET16b-recA  Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pET16b-recA promoter-2-EGFP plasmid. The pET16b promotor is combined with a recA promoter vector sequence and a 2 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21685pEnCMV-THBS1-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-THBS1-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-THBS1-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a THBS1 vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21686pCDNA3.1-PDCD11-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1-PDCD11-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1-PDCD11-3×FLAG plasmid. The pCDNA3.1 promotor is combined with a PDCD11 vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21687pGH-hADH1BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized GH-hADH1B Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pGH-hADH1B plasmid. The pGH promotor is combined with a hADH1B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21688pCDNA3.1-LOC100506403Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1-LOC100506403 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1-LOC100506403 plasmid. The pCDNA3.1 promotor is combined with a LOC100506403 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21689pGH-hADH7Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized GH-hADH7 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pGH-hADH7 plasmid. The pGH promotor is combined with a hADH7 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21690pGH-ADH2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized GH-ADH2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pGH-ADH2 plasmid. The pGH promotor is combined with a ADH2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21691WWP-Luc (p21/WAF1 promoter)Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized 21/WAF1  Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the WWP-Luc (p21/WAF1 promoter) plasmid. The WWP promotor is combined with a Luc (p21/WAF1 promoter) vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21692pGH-Ptx3-mGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized GH-Ptx3-m Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pGH-Ptx3-m plasmid. The pGH promotor is combined with a Ptx3 vector sequence and a m gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21693pOTB7-TMEM59Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized OTB7-TMEM59 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pOTB7-TMEM59 plasmid. The pOTB7 promotor is combined with a TMEM59 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21694pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-SIX3-shRNA1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-SIX3-shRNA1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-SIX3-shRNA1 plasmid. The pLVshRNA promotor is combined with a EGFP(2A)Puro vector sequence and a SIX3 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21695pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-IL1B-shRNA1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-IL1B-shRNA1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-IL1B-shRNA1 plasmid. The pLVshRNA promotor is combined with a EGFP(2A)Puro vector sequence and a IL1B gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21696pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-SLC7A5-shRNA1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-SLC7A5-shRNA1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-SLC7A5-shRNA1 plasmid. The pLVshRNA promotor is combined with a EGFP(2A)Puro vector sequence and a SLC7A5 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21697pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-MET-shRNA1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-MET-shRNA1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-MET-shRNA1 plasmid. The pLVshRNA promotor is combined with a EGFP(2A)Puro vector sequence and a MET gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21698pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-EXO1-shRNA1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-EXO1-shRNA1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-EXO1-shRNA1 plasmid. The pLVshRNA promotor is combined with a EGFP(2A)Puro vector sequence and a EXO1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21699pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-DLGAP5-shRNA1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-DLGAP5-shRNA1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-DLGAP5-shRNA1 plasmid. The pLVshRNA promotor is combined with a EGFP(2A)Puro vector sequence and a DLGAP5 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21700pEnCMV-BRAF-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-BRAF-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-BRAF-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a BRAF vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21701pECMV-3×FLAG-Adh5-mGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized ECMV-3×FLAG-Adh5-m Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pECMV-3×FLAG-Adh5-m plasmid. The pECMV promotor is combined with a 3×FLAG vector sequence and a Adh5 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21702pECMV-3×FLAG-ADH5Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized ECMV-3×FLAG-ADH5 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pECMV-3×FLAG-ADH5 plasmid. The pECMV promotor is combined with a 3×FLAG vector sequence and a ADH5 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21703pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-CDC6-shRNA1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-CDC6-shRNA1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-CDC6-shRNA1 plasmid. The pLVshRNA promotor is combined with a EGFP(2A)Puro vector sequence and a CDC6 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21704pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-TTK-shRNA1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-TTK-shRNA1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLVshRNA-EGFP(2A)Puro-TTK-shRNA1 plasmid. The pLVshRNA promotor is combined with a EGFP(2A)Puro vector sequence and a TTK gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21705pDuRCC-NGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized DuRCC-N Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pDuRCC-N plasmid. The pDuRCC promotor is combined with a N vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21706pECFP-RNF168Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized ECFP-RNF168 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pECFP-RNF168 plasmid. The pECFP promotor is combined with a RNF168 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21707pBluescriptR-TBC1D1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TBC1D1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TBC1D1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21708pBluescriptR-RUFY3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RUFY3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RUFY3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21709pBluescriptR-MORC1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MORC1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MORC1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21710pBluescriptR-PELI1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PELI1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PELI1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21711pBluescriptR-NEK10Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NEK10 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NEK10 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21712pBluescriptR-RNF149Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RNF149 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RNF149 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21713pBluescriptR-LRATD2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LRATD2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LRATD2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21714pBluescriptR-RNF144BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RNF144B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RNF144B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21715pBluescriptR-KIAA1109Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KIAA1109 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KIAA1109 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21716pBluescriptR-PKD2L2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PKD2L2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PKD2L2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21717pBluescriptR-PPP1R3DGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PPP1R3D plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PPP1R3D vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21718pBluescriptR-YY1AP1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-YY1AP1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a YY1AP1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21719pBluescriptR-DSC2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DSC2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DSC2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21720pBluescriptR-RDXGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RDX plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RDX vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21721pBluescriptR-TMEM135Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TMEM135 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TMEM135 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21722pBluescriptR-IGFBP1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-IGFBP1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a IGFBP1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21723pBluescriptR-HRH1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-HRH1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a HRH1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21724pBluescriptR-KIF3AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KIF3A plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KIF3A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21725pBluescriptR-TYRO3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TYRO3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TYRO3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21726pBluescriptR-GPM6AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GPM6A plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GPM6A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21727pBluescriptR-CCSER1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CCSER1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CCSER1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21728pBluescriptR-RNF111Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RNF111 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RNF111 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21729pBluescriptR-KDM1AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KDM1A plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KDM1A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21730pBluescriptR-SLC9A6Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SLC9A6 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SLC9A6 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21731pBluescriptR-NOTUMGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NOTUM plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NOTUM vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21732pBluescriptR-ZBTB44Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZBTB44 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZBTB44 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21733pBluescriptR-OLIG2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-OLIG2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a OLIG2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21734pBluescriptR-TSPYL1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TSPYL1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TSPYL1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21735pBluescriptR-SCNN1GGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SCNN1G plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SCNN1G vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21736pBluescriptR-AMMECR1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-AMMECR1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a AMMECR1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21737pBluescriptR-ZNF281Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZNF281 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZNF281 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21738pBluescriptR-SLC26A2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SLC26A2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SLC26A2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21739pBluescriptR-CSGALNACT1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CSGALNACT1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CSGALNACT1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21740pBluescriptR-HLCSGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-HLCS plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a HLCS vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21741pBluescriptR-PARD6BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PARD6B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PARD6B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21742pBluescriptR-ELOVL2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ELOVL2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ELOVL2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21743pBluescriptR-SCARA3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SCARA3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SCARA3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21744pBluescriptR-NFKBIZGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NFKBIZ plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NFKBIZ vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21745pBluescriptR-NBEAL2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NBEAL2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NBEAL2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21746pBluescriptR-ADAM12Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ADAM12 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ADAM12 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21747pBluescriptR-SLC52A1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SLC52A1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SLC52A1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21748pBluescriptR-ZNF449Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZNF449 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZNF449 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21749pBluescriptR-ESRRGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ESRRG plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ESRRG vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21750pBluescriptR-MORN3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MORN3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MORN3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21751pBluescriptR-POGZGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-POGZ plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a POGZ vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21752pBluescriptR-TUBA3DGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TUBA3D plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TUBA3D vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21753pBluescriptR-EOGTGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-EOGT plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a EOGT vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21754pBluescriptR-TRMT10BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TRMT10B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TRMT10B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21755pBluescriptR-KIAA1012Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KIAA1012 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KIAA1012 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21756pBluescriptR-ZXDAGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZXDA plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZXDA vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21757pBluescriptR-RSBN1LGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RSBN1L plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RSBN1L vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21758pBluescriptR-KLF11Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KLF11 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KLF11 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21759pBluescriptR-SAMD4AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SAMD4A plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SAMD4A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21760pBluescriptR-SUSD1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SUSD1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SUSD1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21761pBluescriptR-PLEKHH2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PLEKHH2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PLEKHH2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21762pBluescriptR-CREB5Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CREB5 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CREB5 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21763pBluescriptR-COLEC12Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-COLEC12 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a COLEC12 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21764pBluescriptR-MEAK7Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MEAK7 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MEAK7 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21765pBluescriptR-CNNM4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CNNM4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CNNM4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21766pBluescriptR-ANKRD46Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ANKRD46 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ANKRD46 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21767pBluescriptR-TLE4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TLE4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TLE4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21768pBluescriptR-ZFAND4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZFAND4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZFAND4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21769pBluescriptR-MAGT1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MAGT1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MAGT1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21770pBluescriptR-LYPD5Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LYPD5 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LYPD5 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21771pBluescriptR-ZNF354CGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZNF354C plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZNF354C vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21772pBluescriptR-SOCS4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SOCS4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SOCS4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21773pBluescriptR-MYO1AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MYO1A plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MYO1A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21774pBluescriptR-ZDHHC24Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZDHHC24 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZDHHC24 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21775pBluescriptR-OVOL1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-OVOL1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a OVOL1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21776pBluescriptR-PRLRGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PRLR plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PRLR vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21777pBluescriptR-HOGA1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-HOGA1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a HOGA1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21778pBluescriptR-FOXN2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FOXN2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FOXN2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21779pBluescriptR-SLC7A1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SLC7A1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SLC7A1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21780pBluescriptR-HAPLN1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-HAPLN1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a HAPLN1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21781pBluescriptR-SOX5Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SOX5 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SOX5 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21782pBluescriptR-SUSD6Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SUSD6 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SUSD6 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21783pBluescriptR-BCL6BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-BCL6B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a BCL6B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21784pBluescriptR-TMEM180Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TMEM180 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TMEM180 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21785pBluescriptR-KANK3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KANK3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KANK3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21786pBluescriptR-FAM3BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FAM3B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FAM3B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21787pBluescriptR-GPR78Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GPR78 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GPR78 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21788pBluescriptR-FAM199XGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FAM199X plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FAM199X vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21789pBluescriptR-ST6GALNAC3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ST6GALNAC3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ST6GALNAC3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21790pBluescriptR-EIF4HGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-EIF4H plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a EIF4H vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21791pBluescriptR-PPP1R2BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PPP1R2B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PPP1R2B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21792pBluescriptR-DDX43Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DDX43 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DDX43 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21793pBluescriptR-CHCHD2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CHCHD2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CHCHD2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21794pBluescriptR-FAM171BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FAM171B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FAM171B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21795pBluescriptR-CCDC62Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CCDC62 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CCDC62 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21796pBluescriptR-DIP2CGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DIP2C plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DIP2C vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21797pBluescriptR-ASAP3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ASAP3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ASAP3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21798pBluescriptR-RPL9Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RPL9 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RPL9 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21799pBluescriptR-POTEB3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-POTEB3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a POTEB3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21800pBluescriptR-NKIRAS1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NKIRAS1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NKIRAS1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21801pBluescriptR-VIMGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-VIM plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a VIM vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21802pBluescriptR-SUMO1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SUMO1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SUMO1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21803pBluescriptR-C7orf31Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-C7orf31 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a C7orf31 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21804pBluescriptR-HS3ST1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-HS3ST1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a HS3ST1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21805pBluescriptR-SLC2A14Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SLC2A14 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SLC2A14 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21806pBluescriptR-TFGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TF plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TF vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21807pBluescriptR-ASPHGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ASPH plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ASPH vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21808pBluescriptR-TIMM23Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TIMM23 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TIMM23 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21809pBluescriptR-NOXRED1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NOXRED1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NOXRED1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21810pBluescriptR-RPL10LGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RPL10L plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RPL10L vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21811pBluescriptR-NAPBGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NAPB plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NAPB vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21812pBluescriptR-PTGR2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PTGR2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PTGR2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21813pBluescriptR-TMEM209Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TMEM209 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TMEM209 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21814pBluescriptR-ISYNA1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ISYNA1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ISYNA1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21815pBluescriptR-LYZL2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LYZL2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LYZL2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21816pBluescriptR-IRGCGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-IRGC plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a IRGC vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21817pBluescriptR-HACD2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-HACD2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a HACD2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21818pBluescriptR-GABREGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GABRE plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GABRE vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21819pBluescriptR-LOC441242Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LOC441242 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LOC441242 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21820pBluescriptR-FTH1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FTH1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FTH1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21821pBluescriptR-ZCCHC12Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZCCHC12 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZCCHC12 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21822pBluescriptR-SLC27A2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SLC27A2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SLC27A2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21823pBluescriptR-GNG2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GNG2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GNG2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21824pBluescriptR-TRIM27Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TRIM27 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TRIM27 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21825pBluescriptR-RPL17Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RPL17 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RPL17 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21826pBluescriptR-RHEBGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RHEB plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RHEB vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21827pBluescriptR-STEAP1BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-STEAP1B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a STEAP1B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21828pBluescriptR-NINJ2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NINJ2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NINJ2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21829pBluescriptR-ARHGEF7Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ARHGEF7 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ARHGEF7 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21830pBluescriptR-TTLL7Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TTLL7 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TTLL7 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21831pBluescriptR-SNAP91Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SNAP91 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SNAP91 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21832pBluescriptR-TMEM167BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TMEM167B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TMEM167B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21833pBluescriptR-TOMM20Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TOMM20 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TOMM20 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21834pBluescriptR-SRRDGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SRRD plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SRRD vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21835pBluescriptR-RPSAGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RPSA plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RPSA vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21836pBluescriptR-MAP2K4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MAP2K4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MAP2K4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21837pBluescriptR-TMEM144Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TMEM144 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TMEM144 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21838pBluescriptR-RAB3IPGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RAB3IP plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RAB3IP vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21839pBluescriptR-NEFLGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NEFL plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NEFL vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21840pBluescriptR-RPS3AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RPS3A plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RPS3A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21841pBluescriptR-STAG3L3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-STAG3L3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a STAG3L3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21842pBluescriptR-ATP5PFGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ATP5PF plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ATP5PF vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21843pBluescriptR-SNRPGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SNRPG plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SNRPG vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21844pBluescriptR-RPS27AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RPS27A plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RPS27A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21845pBluescriptR-TSPYL6Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TSPYL6 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TSPYL6 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21846pBluescriptR-DR1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DR1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DR1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21847pBluescriptR-KLF3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KLF3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KLF3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21848pBluescriptR-RPL13Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RPL13 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RPL13 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21849pBluescriptR-NT5C3AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NT5C3A plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NT5C3A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21850pBluescriptR-ETNK1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ETNK1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ETNK1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21851pBluescriptR-RPL4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RPL4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RPL4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21852pBluescriptR-DMTF1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DMTF1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DMTF1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21853pBluescriptR-TMCO3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TMCO3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TMCO3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21854pBluescriptR-NUS1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NUS1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NUS1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21855pBluescriptR-TTI2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TTI2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TTI2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21856pBluescriptR-TRIM37Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TRIM37 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TRIM37 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21857pBluescriptR-QTRT2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-QTRT2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a QTRT2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21858pBluescriptR-AUTS2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-AUTS2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a AUTS2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21859pBluescriptR-MED23Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MED23 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MED23 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21860pBluescriptR-SLC30A7Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SLC30A7 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SLC30A7 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21861pBluescriptR-ZNF529Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZNF529 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZNF529 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21862pBluescriptR-ASAP2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ASAP2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ASAP2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21863pBluescriptR-ADAMTS18Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ADAMTS18 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ADAMTS18 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21864pBluescriptR-PDE8AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PDE8A plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PDE8A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21865pBluescriptR-WNT5AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-WNT5A plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a WNT5A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21866pBluescriptR-EPHA3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-EPHA3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a EPHA3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21867pBluescriptR-ACBD3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ACBD3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ACBD3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21868pBluescriptR-RAB40CGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RAB40C plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RAB40C vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21869pBluescriptR-PTMAGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PTMA plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PTMA vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21870pBluescriptR-CDC26Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CDC26 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CDC26 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21871pBluescriptR-NCAPGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NCAPG plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NCAPG vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21872pBluescriptR-PPP2R2DGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PPP2R2D plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PPP2R2D vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21873pBluescriptR-PGAM1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PGAM1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PGAM1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21874pBluescriptR-H3-5Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-H3-5 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a H3 vector sequence and a 5 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21875pBluescriptR-ABT1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ABT1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ABT1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21876pBluescriptR-MORF4L1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MORF4L1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MORF4L1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21877pBluescriptR-ZNF510Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZNF510 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZNF510 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21878pBluescriptR-ARHGEF7Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ARHGEF7 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ARHGEF7 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21879pBluescriptR-PAQR3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PAQR3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PAQR3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21880pBluescriptR-MIER1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MIER1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MIER1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21881pBluescriptR-C6orf201Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-C6orf201 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a C6orf201 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21882pBluescriptR-KLHDC9Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KLHDC9 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KLHDC9 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21883pBluescriptR-FAM76BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FAM76B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FAM76B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21884pBluescriptR-C1orf228Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-C1orf228 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a C1orf228 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21885pBluescriptR-KCTD18Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KCTD18 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KCTD18 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21886pBluescriptR-HNRNPCGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-HNRNPC plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a HNRNPC vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21887pBluescriptR-CCDC121Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CCDC121 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CCDC121 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21888pBluescriptR-CCDC174Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CCDC174 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CCDC174 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21889pBluescriptR-SLC37A3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SLC37A3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SLC37A3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21890pBluescriptR-SPATA8Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SPATA8 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SPATA8 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21891pBluescriptR-TEX19Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TEX19 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TEX19 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21892pBluescriptR-BRD1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-BRD1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a BRD1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21893pBluescriptR-HADHBGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-HADHB plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a HADHB vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21894pBluescriptR-SRP9Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SRP9 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SRP9 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21895pBluescriptR-PABPC1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PABPC1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PABPC1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21896pBluescriptR-BIRC8Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-BIRC8 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a BIRC8 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21897pBluescriptR-ZNF672Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZNF672 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZNF672 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21898pBluescriptR-TTC33Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TTC33 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TTC33 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21899pBluescriptR-SFRS2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SFRS2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SFRS2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21900pBluescriptR-LDLRAD4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LDLRAD4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LDLRAD4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21901pBluescriptR-LEMD1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LEMD1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LEMD1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21902pBluescriptR-SCAF8Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SCAF8 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SCAF8 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21903pBluescriptR-ZNF436-AS1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZNF436-AS1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZNF436 vector sequence and a AS1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21904pBluescriptR-C11orf87Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-C11orf87 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a C11orf87 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21905pBluescriptR-HMGB1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-HMGB1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a HMGB1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21906pBluescriptR-CA10Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CA10 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CA10 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21907pBluescriptR-C17orf97Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-C17orf97 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a C17orf97 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21908pBluescriptR-NPAS4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NPAS4 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NPAS4 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21909pBluescriptR-DENND5BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-DENND5B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a DENND5B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21910pBluescriptR-ACSM5Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ACSM5 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ACSM5 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21911pBluescriptR-RADXGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-RADX plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a RADX vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21912pBluescriptR-EZRGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-EZR plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a EZR vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21913pBluescriptR-TMEM183AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TMEM183A plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TMEM183A vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21914pBluescriptR-MAP1LC3BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MAP1LC3B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MAP1LC3B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21915pBluescriptR-NECAB1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NECAB1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NECAB1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21916pBluescriptR-FUNDC2P2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FUNDC2P2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FUNDC2P2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21917pBluescriptR-ZNF365Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZNF365 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZNF365 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21918pBluescriptR-H6PDGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-H6PD plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a H6PD vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21919pBluescriptR-FAM133BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-FAM133B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a FAM133B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21920pBluescriptR-ANLNGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ANLN plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ANLN vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21921pBluescriptR-KLHL10Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-KLHL10 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a KLHL10 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21922pBluescriptR-SIAEGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SIAE plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SIAE vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21923pBluescriptR-MEMO1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MEMO1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MEMO1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21924pBluescriptR-PTPN9Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PTPN9 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PTPN9 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21925pBluescriptR-GGA3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GGA3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GGA3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21926pBluescriptR-ARHGEF26Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ARHGEF26 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ARHGEF26 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21927pBluescriptR-TAFA2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TAFA2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TAFA2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21928pBluescriptR-ZNF706Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ZNF706 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ZNF706 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21929pBluescriptR-B3GLCTGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-B3GLCT plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a B3GLCT vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21930pOTB7-SERPINH1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized OTB7-SERPINH1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pOTB7-SERPINH1 plasmid. The pOTB7 promotor is combined with a SERPINH1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21931pBluescriptR-SDE2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SDE2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SDE2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21932pBluescriptR-THOC3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-THOC3 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a THOC3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21933pBluescriptR-GUCD1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-GUCD1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a GUCD1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21934pBluescriptR-SPOPLGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SPOPL plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SPOPL vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21935pBluescriptR-PRKAG2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PRKAG2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PRKAG2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21936pBluescriptR-SUMO2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SUMO2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SUMO2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21937pBluescriptR-ARGLU1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ARGLU1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ARGLU1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21938pBluescriptR-POLLGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-POLL plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a POLL vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21939pBluescriptR-SNX14Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SNX14 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SNX14 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21940pBluescriptR-TMEM203Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TMEM203 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TMEM203 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21941pBluescriptR-LHX8Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LHX8 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LHX8 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21942pBluescriptR-EPHA10Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-EPHA10 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a EPHA10 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21943pBluescriptR-CRYZGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CRYZ plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CRYZ vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21944pBluescriptR-LRRC3BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-LRRC3B plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a LRRC3B vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21945pBluescriptR-TP53RKGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-TP53RK plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a TP53RK vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21946pBluescriptR-SRPK2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SRPK2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SRPK2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21947pBluescriptR-YBX1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-YBX1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a YBX1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21948pBluescriptR-MKLN1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MKLN1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MKLN1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21949pBluescriptR-CTNND1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CTNND1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CTNND1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21950pBluescriptR-ABHD11Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-ABHD11 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a ABHD11 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21951pBluescriptR-NR2C2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-NR2C2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a NR2C2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21952pBluescriptR-CACYBPGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-CACYBP plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a CACYBP vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21953pBluescriptR-PSMC1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-PSMC1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a PSMC1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21954pBluescriptR-SUCLG2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SUCLG2 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SUCLG2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21955pBluescriptR-SPTLC1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-SPTLC1 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a SPTLC1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21956pBluescriptR-MAGEA6Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Bluescri Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pBluescriptR-MAGEA6 plasmid. The pBluescriptR promotor is combined with a MAGEA6 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21957pCMV-SPORT6-LGALS3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-LGALS3 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-LGALS3 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a LGALS3 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21958pCMV-SPORT6-EIF4EBP1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-EIF4EBP1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-EIF4EBP1 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a EIF4EBP1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21959pCMV-SPORT6-EIF2DGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-EIF2D Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-EIF2D plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a EIF2D gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21960pCMV-SPORT6-UBL4BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-UBL4B Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-UBL4B plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a UBL4B gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21961pCMV-SPORT6-ISCUGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-ISCU Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-ISCU plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a ISCU gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21962pCMV-SPORT6-ZFAND1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-ZFAND1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-ZFAND1 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a ZFAND1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21963pCMV-SPORT6-IL1RAPGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-IL1RAP Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-IL1RAP plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a IL1RAP gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21964pCMV-SPORT6-MORF4L2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-MORF4L2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-MORF4L2 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a MORF4L2 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21965pCMV-SPORT6-DHRS9Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-DHRS9 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-DHRS9 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a DHRS9 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21966pCMV-SPORT6-MPP3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-MPP3 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-MPP3 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a MPP3 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21967pCMV-SPORT6-HOXC8Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-HOXC8 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-HOXC8 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a HOXC8 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21968pCMV-SPORT6-PLEKHA8P1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-PLEKHA8P1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-PLEKHA8P1 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a PLEKHA8P1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21969pCMV-SPORT6-GSTM5Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-GSTM5 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-GSTM5 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a GSTM5 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21970pCMV-SPORT6-PLS3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-PLS3 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-PLS3 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a PLS3 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21971pCMV-SPORT6-ZNF200Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-ZNF200 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-ZNF200 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a ZNF200 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21972pCMV-SPORT6-SEPTIN9Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-SEPTIN9 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-SEPTIN9 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a SEPTIN9 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21973pCMV-SPORT6-MID1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-MID1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-MID1 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a MID1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21974pCMV-SPORT6-RBBP4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-RBBP4 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-RBBP4 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a RBBP4 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21975pCMV-SPORT6-HSPA1BGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-HSPA1B Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-HSPA1B plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a HSPA1B gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21976pCMV-SPORT6-ARPC1AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-ARPC1A Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-ARPC1A plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a ARPC1A gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21977pCMV-SPORT6-ANKRD44Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-ANKRD44 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-ANKRD44 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a ANKRD44 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21978pCMV-SPORT6-ICAM3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-ICAM3 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-ICAM3 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a ICAM3 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21979pCMV-SPORT6-ZNF740Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-ZNF740 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-ZNF740 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a ZNF740 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21980pCMV-SPORT6-GRB14Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-GRB14 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-GRB14 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a GRB14 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21981pCMV-SPORT6-C5orf24Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-C5orf24 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-C5orf24 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a C5orf24 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21982pCMV-SPORT6-CDAGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-CDA Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-CDA plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a CDA gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21983pCMV-SPORT6-NDUFAB1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-NDUFAB1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-NDUFAB1 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a NDUFAB1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21984pCMV-SPORT6-EDC4Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-EDC4 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-EDC4 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a EDC4 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21985pCMV-SPORT6-SLC39A9Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-SLC39A9 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-SLC39A9 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a SLC39A9 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21986pCMV-SPORT6-HMHA1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-HMHA1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-HMHA1 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a HMHA1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21987pCMV-SPORT6-NKIRAS2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-NKIRAS2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-NKIRAS2 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a NKIRAS2 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21988pCMV-SPORT6-GSTK1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-GSTK1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-GSTK1 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a GSTK1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21989pCMV-SPORT6-MT1HGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-MT1H Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-MT1H plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a MT1H gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21990pCMV-SPORT6-RELL2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-RELL2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-RELL2 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a RELL2 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21991pCMV-SPORT6-CNOT11Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-CNOT11 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-CNOT11 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a CNOT11 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21992pCMV-SPORT6-GTF2H2DGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-GTF2H2D Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-GTF2H2D plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a GTF2H2D gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21993pCMV-SPORT6-HK2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-HK2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-HK2 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a HK2 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21994pCMV-SPORT6-ADAM2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-ADAM2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-ADAM2 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a ADAM2 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21995pCMV-SPORT6-HAVCR2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-HAVCR2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-HAVCR2 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a HAVCR2 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21996pCMV-SPORT6-MRPL20Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-MRPL20 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-MRPL20 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a MRPL20 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21997pCMV-SPORT6-DCLRE1AGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-DCLRE1A Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-DCLRE1A plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a DCLRE1A gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21998pCMV-SPORT6-SLC10A7-2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-SLC10A7-2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-SLC10A7-2 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a SLC10A7 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT21999pCMV-SPORT6-DNASE2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-DNASE2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-DNASE2 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a DNASE2 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22000pCMV-SPORT6-BYSLGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-BYSL Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-BYSL plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a BYSL gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22001pCMV-SPORT6-CD24Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-CD24 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-CD24 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a CD24 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22002pCMV-SPORT6-TMEM53Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-TMEM53 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-TMEM53 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a TMEM53 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22003pCMV-SPORT6-RNF214Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-RNF214 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-RNF214 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a RNF214 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22004pCMV-SPORT6-MAPK10Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-MAPK10 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-MAPK10 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a MAPK10 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22005pCMV-SPORT6-WWP2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-WWP2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-WWP2 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a WWP2 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22006pCMV-SPORT6-HLA-FGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-HLA-F Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-HLA-F plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a HLA gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22007pCMV-SPORT6-DCIGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-DCI Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-DCI plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a DCI gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22008pOTB7-ECI1-2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized OTB7-ECI1-2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pOTB7-ECI1-2 plasmid. The pOTB7 promotor is combined with a ECI1 vector sequence and a 2 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22009pCMV-SPORT6-PHF20Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-PHF20 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-PHF20 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a PHF20 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22010pCMV-SPORT6-SPHK1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-SPHK1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-SPHK1 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a SPHK1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22011pEnCMV-ITGAV-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-ITGAV-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-ITGAV-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a ITGAV vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22012pECMV-SPHK1-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized ECMV-SPHK1-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pECMV-SPHK1-3×FLAG plasmid. The pECMV promotor is combined with a SPHK1 vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22013pCDH-CMV-FUT10-EF1-PuroGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDH-CMV-FUT10-EF1-Puro Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDH-CMV-FUT10-EF1-Puro plasmid. The pCDH promotor is combined with a CMV vector sequence and a FUT10 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22014pCDH-CMV-FUT11-EF1-PuroGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDH-CMV-FUT11-EF1-Puro Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDH-CMV-FUT11-EF1-Puro plasmid. The pCDH promotor is combined with a CMV vector sequence and a FUT11 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22015pcDNA3-TLR4-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized cDNA3-TLR4-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pcDNA3-TLR4-3×FLAG plasmid. The pcDNA3 promotor is combined with a TLR4 vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22016pCR-BluntII-TOPO-SETD7Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CR-BluntII-TOPO-SETD7 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCR-BluntII-TOPO-SETD7 plasmid. The pCR promotor is combined with a BluntII vector sequence and a TOPO gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22017pDNR-LIB-Adh5-mGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized DNR-LIB-Adh5-m Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pDNR-LIB-Adh5-m plasmid. The pDNR promotor is combined with a LIB vector sequence and a Adh5 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22018pGH-ALDHGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized GH-ALDH Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pGH-ALDH plasmid. The pGH promotor is combined with a ALDH vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22019pKaede-S1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized Kaede-S1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pKaede-S1 plasmid. The pKaede promotor is combined with a S1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22020pGH-hALDH2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized GH-hALDH2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pGH-hALDH2 plasmid. The pGH promotor is combined with a hALDH2 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22021pLVX-AcGFP1-ACOX1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LVX-AcGFP1-ACOX1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLVX-AcGFP1-ACOX1 plasmid. The pLVX promotor is combined with a AcGFP1 vector sequence and a ACOX1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22022pOTB7-ACOX1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized OTB7-ACOX1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pOTB7-ACOX1 plasmid. The pOTB7 promotor is combined with a ACOX1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22023pCR-BluntII-TOPO-EMR2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CR-BluntII-TOPO-EMR2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCR-BluntII-TOPO-EMR2 plasmid. The pCR promotor is combined with a BluntII vector sequence and a TOPO gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22024pCMV-SPORT6-TESK1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-SPORT6-TESK1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-SPORT6-TESK1 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a SPORT6 vector sequence and a TESK1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22025pEnCMV-BRD2-p-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-BRD2- Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-BRD2-p-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a BRD2 vector sequence and a p gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22026pLVX-ITGA1-mCherryGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LVX-ITGA1-mCherry Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLVX-ITGA1-mCherry plasmid. The pLVX promotor is combined with a ITGA1 vector sequence and a mCherry gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22027pECMV-GPBAR1-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized ECMV-GPBAR1-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pECMV-GPBAR1-3×FLAG plasmid. The pECMV promotor is combined with a GPBAR1 vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22028pAAV-EF1a-AGER-DIO-mCherryGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized AAV-EF1a-AGER-DIO-mCherry Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pAAV-EF1a-AGER-DIO-mCherry plasmid. The pAAV promotor is combined with a EF1a vector sequence and a AGER gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22029pEnCMV-EGFR-19-DEL T790M-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-EGFR-19-DEL T790M-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-EGFR-19-DEL T790M-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a EGFR vector sequence and a 19 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22030pECMV-Slc12a3-m-6×His-FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized ECMV-Slc12a3-m-6×His-FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pECMV-Slc12a3-m-6×His-FLAG plasmid. The pECMV promotor is combined with a Slc12a3 vector sequence and a m gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22031pEnCMV-EGFR-19-DEL-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-EGFR-19-DEL-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-EGFR-19-DEL-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a EGFR vector sequence and a 19 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22032pEnCMV-EGFR L858R-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-EGFR L858R-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-EGFR L858R-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a EGFR L858R vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22033pEnCMV-EGFR L858R+T790M-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-EGFR L858R+T790M-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-EGFR L858R+T790M-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a EGFR L858R+T790M vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22034pCDH-ECMV-Ptx3-m-3×FLAG-EF1a-ZsGreen1-T2A-PuroGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDH-ECMV-Ptx3-m-3×FLAG-EF1a-ZsGreen1-T2A-Puro Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDH-ECMV-Ptx3-m-3×FLAG-EF1a-ZsGreen1-T2A-Puro plasmid. The pCDH promotor is combined with a ECMV vector sequence and a Ptx3 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22035pECMV-3×FLAG-Adh5-rGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized ECMV-3×FLAG-Adh5-r Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pECMV-3×FLAG-Adh5-r plasmid. The pECMV promotor is combined with a 3×FLAG vector sequence and a Adh5 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22036pCDNA3.1-PRDX6-6×HisGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1-PRDX6-6×His Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1-PRDX6-6×His plasmid. The pCDNA3.1 promotor is combined with a PRDX6 vector sequence and a 6×His gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22037pCDNA3.0-HA-p53-R248QGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.0-HA- Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.0-HA-p53-R248Q plasmid. The pCDNA3.0 promotor is combined with a HA vector sequence and a p53 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22038pEnCMV-NUDC-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-NUDC-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-NUDC-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a NUDC vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22039pEGFP-Gsdmd-m(1-976)Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EGFP-Gsdmd-m(1-976) Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEGFP-Gsdmd-m(1-976) plasmid. The pEGFP promotor is combined with a Gsdmd vector sequence and a m(1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22040pECMV-Fos-m-FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized ECMV-Fos-m-FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pECMV-Fos-m-FLAG plasmid. The pECMV promotor is combined with a Fos vector sequence and a m gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22041pOTB7-ARHGDIBGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized OTB7-ARHGDIB Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pOTB7-ARHGDIB plasmid. The pOTB7 promotor is combined with a ARHGDIB vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22042pCR4-TOPO-PRPSAP2Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CR4-TOPO-PRPSAP2 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCR4-TOPO-PRPSAP2 plasmid. The pCR4 promotor is combined with a TOPO vector sequence and a PRPSAP2 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22043pU6-pegRNA-GG-acceptorGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized U6- Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pU6-pegRNA-GG-acceptor plasmid. The pU6 promotor is combined with a pegRNA vector sequence and a GG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22044pSH-EFIRES-B-AtAFB2-mCherryGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized SH-EFIRES-B-AtAFB2-mCherry Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pSH-EFIRES-B-AtAFB2-mCherry plasmid. The pSH promotor is combined with a EFIRES vector sequence and a B gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22045pACT1: Cas9-GFP, U6: sgTKGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized ACT1: Cas9-GFP, U6: sgTK Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pACT1: Cas9-GFP, U6: sgTK plasmid. The pACT1: Cas9 promotor is combined with a GFP, U6: sgTK vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22046pCMV-PE1Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-PE1 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-PE1 plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a PE1 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22047pENTR223-En2-mGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized ENTR223-En2-m Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pENTR223-En2-m plasmid. The pENTR223 promotor is combined with a En2 vector sequence and a m gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22048pCDNA3.1-PCCA-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CDNA3.1-PCCA-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCDNA3.1-PCCA-3×FLAG plasmid. The pCDNA3.1 promotor is combined with a PCCA vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22049pCMV-HA-DPP4-pGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized CMV-HA-DPP4- Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pCMV-HA-DPP4-p plasmid. The pCMV promotor is combined with a HA vector sequence and a DPP4 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22050pLVX-STK11-HA-PuroGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized LVX-STK11-HA-Puro Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pLVX-STK11-HA-Puro plasmid. The pLVX promotor is combined with a STK11 vector sequence and a HA gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22051pEnCMV-Nkx6-1-m-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-Nkx6-1-m-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-Nkx6-1-m-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a Nkx6 vector sequence and a 1 gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22052pEnCMV-Tfeb-m-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-Tfeb-m-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-Tfeb-m-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a Tfeb vector sequence and a m gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22053pEnCMV-TGM7-3×FLAGGentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EnCMV-TGM7-3×FLAG Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEnCMV-TGM7-3×FLAG plasmid. The pEnCMV promotor is combined with a TGM7 vector sequence and a 3×FLAG gene in the plasmid vector map.
PVT22054pEGFP-RIN3Gentaur supplies 2ug of lyophilized EGFP-RIN3 Plasmid in powder form at 4°C to be centrifuged at 5000rpm/min for 1min. Add 20μl ddH2O in to the vial of the pEGFP-RIN3 plasmid. The pEGFP promotor is combined with a RIN3 vector sequence and a  gene in the plasmid vector map.

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januari 2025

