Stomach cancer with matched lymph node

Stomach cancer with matched lymph node 

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Stomach cancer with matched adjacent normal tissue array (age<35 years old)

ST8018 each
EUR 306
Description: Stomach cancer with matched adjacent normal tissue array (age<35 years old), including WHO grade, Borrmann grade and Lauren type, 40 cases/80 cores

Colorectal cancer with matched lymph node metastasis carcinoma and normal adjacent or cancer adjacent tissue array

CO992b each
EUR 258
Description: Colorectal cancer with matched lymph node metastasis carcinoma and normal adjacent or cancer adjacent tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 43 cases/99 cores (1.5mm), replacing CO992a

Lung cancer and matched lymph node metastasis tissue array

LC814c each
EUR 306
Description: Lung cancer and matched lymph node metastasis tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage(AJCC 8th edition), 40 cases/80 cores (cores size 1.5mm)replacing LC814b.

Multiple organ cancer tissue array with matched non-metastatic lymph node tissue as control

NMET961 each
EUR 204
Description: Multiple organ cancer tissue array with matched non-metastatic lymph node tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 48 cases/ 96 cores. The design and the corresponding MET961a

Stomach carcinoma with matched stomach tissue microarray

ST2084b each
EUR 546
Description: Stomach carcinoma with matched stomach tissue microarray, containing 94 cases of adenocarcinoma, 1 each of signet ring cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, duplicated cores per case

Stomach adenocarcinoma with matched stomach tissue array

ST781 each
EUR 270
Description: Stomach adenocarcinoma with matched stomach tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 26 cases/78 cores

Esophagus squamous cell carcinoma with matched cancer adjacent tissue and esophagus lymph node tissue array

ES1505 each
EUR 258
Description: Esophagus squamous cell carcinoma with matched cancer adjacent tissue and esophagus lymph node tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 50 cases/150 cores (core size 1.5mm), replaced by ES1505a

Esophagus squamous cell carcinoma with matched cancer adjacent tissue and esophagus lymph node tissue array

ES1505a each
EUR 258
Description: Esophagus squamous cell carcinoma with matched cancer adjacent tissue and esophagus lymph node tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 50 cases/150 cores (core size 1.5mm), replacing ES1505

Stomach adenocarcinoma with matched adjacent normal tissue array

ST1004a each
EUR 258
Description: Stomach adenocarcinoma with matched adjacent normal tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 55 cases/100 cores(1.0mm), replacing ST1004

Multiple stomach cancer with stomach tissue array

ST2161b each
EUR 546
Description: Multiple stomach cancer with stomach tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage (reference AJCC 7th version), 216 cases/216 cores, replacing ST2161a

Stomach cancer (Lauren type) with stomach tissue array

ST2091a each
EUR 546
Description: Stomach cancer (Lauren type) with stomach tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 206 cases/208 cores, replacing ST2091

Advanced stage of stomach cancer with stomach tissue array

ST963 each
EUR 306
Description: Advanced stage of stomach cancer with stomach tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage (AJCC 7th edition), 95 cases/95 cores,replaced by ST963a

Different stages of stomach cancer with stomach tissue array

ST8014 each
EUR 306
Description: Different stages of stomach cancer with stomach tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 80 cases/80 cores

Stomach cancer with normal tissue array

ST2083 each
EUR 546
Description: Stomach cancer with normal tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 69 cases/207 cores

Matched Pair Tissue Slides - Stomach Tissue

10-800-MPPT 1 pack
EUR 241.8
Description: The Matched Pair Paraffin Tissue (MPPT) slides are designed for identifying tumor-specific/metastasis genes or proteins. Slices from normal and malignant tissues are mounted on each MPPT slide which can then be treated as a single histological slide for H&E staining, immunohistochemistry, or in situ hybridization. This format allows a rapid analysis of protein expression and localization across normal and cancerous tissue.

Matched Pair Tissue Slides - Stomach Tissue

MBS154247-1Pack 1Pack
EUR 210

Matched Pair Tissue Slides - Stomach Tissue

MBS154247-5x1Pack 5x1Pack
EUR 920

Matched Pair - cDNA - Human Primary and Matched Metastatic Tumor Tissue: Stomach

C8235248-PM 10 reactions x2
EUR 848.4

Tissue, Section, Matched Pairs, Human Primary and Matched Metastasis Tumor, Stomach, Frozen

MBS640109-2x5Sections 2x5Sections
EUR 1110

Tissue, Section, Matched Pairs, Human Primary and Matched Metastasis Tumor, Stomach (Paraffin)

MBS639991-2x5Sections 2x5Sections
EUR 905

Lung cancer with matched cancer adjacent lung tissue array

LC481 each
EUR 168
Description: Lung cancer with matched cancer adjacent lung tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 12 cases/48 cores

Tissue, Array, Human Tumor, Same Types of Tumor, Stomach Tumor, stomach tumors x3, normal control x1, normal placenta (matched with mRNA blots) (Paraffin)

MBS639632-5Arrays 5Arrays
EUR 660

Tissue, Array, Human Tumor, Same Types of Tumor, Stomach Tumor, stomach tumors x3, normal control x1, normal placenta (matched with mRNA blots) (Paraffin)

MBS639632-5x5Arrays 5x5Arrays
EUR 2810

Colon cancer with matched colon tissue array

CO1801a each
EUR 474
Description: Colon cancer with matched colon tissue array, including pathology grade,with MMR (MLH1/PMS2/MSH2/MSH6) IHC results, TNM and clinical stage, containing 90 cases of adenocarcinoma, and 90 cancer adjacent or adjacent normal colon tissue, 90 cases/180 cores, replacing CO1801

Colon cancer with matched colon tissue array

CO602a each
EUR 222
Description: Colon cancer with matched colon tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 30 cases/60 cores, replacing CO602

Colon cancer with matched colon tissue array

CO703 each
EUR 198
Description: Colon cancer with matched colon tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 35 cases/70 cores,replaced by CO703a

Liver cancer with matched liver tissue array

LV241b each
EUR 66
Description: Liver cancer with matched liver tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 6 cases/24 cores, replacing LV241a

Stomach cancer

ST1451a each
EUR 540
Description: Stomach cancer, matched NAT, matched metastasis tissue (recent year collection samples), including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 71 cases/145 cores, replacing ST1451

Liver cancer with matched cancer adjacent liver tissue array

LV1505a each
EUR 258
Description: Liver cancer with matched cancer adjacent liver tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, replacing LV1505

Breast cancer with matched breast tissue array

BR251e each
EUR 60
Description: Breast cancer with matched breast tissue array, including pathology grade, IHC info (ER,PR,Her-2,Ki67),TNM\Stage, 6 cases/24 cores (core size 1.5mm), replacing BR251d

Kidney cancer with matched kidney tissue array

KD801a each
EUR 258
Description: Kidney cancer with matched kidney tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stagr, 40 cases/80 cores, replacing KD801

Breast cancer with matched cancer adjacent breast tissue array

BR804b each
EUR 306
Description: Breast cancer with matched cancer adjacent breast tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM, clinical stage and IHC markers (ER, PR, Her-2 and Ki67), 40 cases/80 cores, replacing BR804a

Tissue cDNA Panel (Matched Pairs), Human Primary and Matched Metastasis Tumor, Stomach, BioGenomics

MBS652541-2x10Reactions 2x10Reactions
EUR 1360

Colon cancer tissue array with matched cancer adjacent tissue

BC05023a each
EUR 270
Description: Colon cancer tissue array with matched cancer adjacent tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 18 cases/ 54 cores, replacing BC05023

Colon cancer tissue array with matched cancer adjacent tissue

CO801b each
EUR 270
Description: Colon cancer tissue array with matched cancer adjacent tissue, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 40 cases/80 cores, replcing CO801a

Esophagus cancer with matched cancer adjacent esophagus tissue array

ES1025 each
EUR 354
Description: Esophagus cancer with matched cancer adjacent esophagus tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage (AJCC 8.0), 51 cases/102 cores (1.5 mm).

Lung cancer with matched adjacent and cancer adjacent tissue array

BC04022a each
EUR 168
Description: Lung cancer with matched adjacent and cancer adjacent tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 3 cores/case, replacing BC04022

Kidney cancer with matched cancer adjacent normal tissue test array

KD241 each
EUR 48
Description: Kidney cancer with matched cancer adjacent normal tissue test array, including TNM and clinical stage, 6 cases/24 cores

Kidney cancer with matched cancer adjacent normal tissue test array

KD241a each
EUR 66
Description: Kidney cancer with matched cancer adjacent normal tissue test array, including TNM and clinical stage, 6 cases/24 cores, replacing KD241

Gall bladder cancer with matched cancer adjacent normal tissue array

GA461a each
EUR 168
Description: Gall bladder cancer with matched cancer adjacent normal tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 20 cases/46 cores (core size 1.5mm),replacing GA461

Matched Pair - DNA - Human Primary Tumor and Normal Tissue: Stomach

D8235248-PP-10 2x10 ug
EUR 334.6

Stomach cancer tissue array with normal tissue as control

ST1021 each
EUR 306
Description: Stomach cancer tissue array with normal tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 102 cases/ 102 cores

Stomach cancer tissue array with normal tissue as control

ST809 each
EUR 270
Description: Stomach cancer tissue array with normal tissue as control, including TNM, stage and pathology grade, 80 cases/80 cores

Matched Pair - cDNA - Human Primary Tumor and Normal Tissue: Stomach

C8235248-PP 10 reactions x2
EUR 408.1

Stomach cancer and stomach tissue array

ST1401a each
EUR 534
Description: Stomach cancer and stomach tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, with IHC result Her2, 140 cases/140 cores, replacing ST1401

Colon cancer with matched adjacent normal colon tissue

CO321a each
EUR 168
Description: Colon cancer with matched adjacent normal colon tissue, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 16 cases/32 cores, replacing CO321

Stomach cancer tissue array with normal tissues from autopsy

ST812 each
EUR 306
Description: Stomach cancer tissue array with normal tissues from autopsy, with clinical stage (TNM) and pathology grade info, 40 cases/80 cores

Stomach cancer with adjacent normal tissue and normal tissue array

ST2082a each
EUR 474
Description: Stomach cancer with adjacent normal tissue and normal tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 96 cases/192 cores, replacing ST2082

Multiple kidney cancer with matched kidney tissue array

KD461 each
EUR 258
Description: Multiple kidney cancer with matched kidney tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 23 cases/46 cores

Rectum cancer with matched adjacent normal tissue array

RE801 each
EUR 270
Description: Rectum cancer with matched adjacent normal tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 40 cases/80 cores

Kidney cancer tissue array with matched cancer adjacent kidney tissue

KD2601a each
EUR 354
Description: Kidney cancer tissue array with matched cancer adjacent kidney tissue,including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 65 cases/ 260 cores, replacing KD2061

Matched Pair - DNA - Human Primary and Metastatic Tumor Tissue: Stomach

D8235248-PM-10 2x10 ug
EUR 555.8

Breast cancer tissue array with lymph node positive and negative

BR1101 each
EUR 306
Description: Breast cancer tissue array with lymph node positive and negative, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 98cases/ 110cores (core size 1.0mm)

FFPE and Frozen Matched Pair Genomic DNA: Human Tumor Tissue: Stomach

D8235248-FP 2 x 2 ug
EUR 2129.75

Kidney cancer tissue array with matched cancer adjacent tissue as control

KD1503 each
EUR 306
Description: Kidney cancer tissue array with matched cancer adjacent tissue as control, including TNM, stage and pathology grade, 50 cases/ 150 cores

Rectum cancer tissue array with matched cancer adjacent tissue as control

RE1504 each
EUR 258
Description: Rectum cancer tissue array with matched cancer adjacent tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 50 cases/ 150 cores

Breast cancer with matched or unmatched breast tissue array

BR802c each
EUR 270
Description: Breast cancer with matched or unmatched breast tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 53 cases/80 cores, replacing BR802b


T8235248-PM 5 slides x2
EUR 447.3


T6235248-PM 5 slides x2
EUR 525.7

Kidney cancer tissue array with matched cancer adjacent and cancer kidney adjacent tissue

KD991b each
EUR 270
Description: Kidney cancer tissue array with matched cancer adjacent and cancer kidney adjacent tissue, 33 cases/ 99 cores, replacing KD991a

Tissue, Total Protein, Matched Pairs, Human Primary Tumor and Normal, Stomach

MBS657350-2x02mg 2x0.2mg
EUR 935

Pancreatic cancer tissue array with matched cancer adjacent tissue as control

PA811 each
EUR 306
Description: Pancreatic cancer tissue array with matched cancer adjacent tissue as control, including TNM, stage and pathology grade, 27 cases/ 81 cores

Kidney cancer with matched adjacent normal kidney tissue array

KD603 each
EUR 204
Description: Kidney cancer with matched adjacent normal kidney tissue array, containing metastatic clear cell carcinoma, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage (reference AJCC 8th version), 33 cases/61 cores

Tissue, Section, Matched Pairs, Human Primary Tumor and Normal, Stomach, Frozen

MBS640868-2x5Sections 2x5Sections
EUR 900

Matched Pair (Normal and Carcinoma) Human Stomach Tissue Array (5 slides/pk)

TAS-1012 1 pk
EUR 343.2

Stomach cancer tissue array

BS01012e each
EUR 270
Description: Stomach cancer tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage (AJCC 7th edition), 72 cases/72 cores, replacing BS01012d

Human Stomach Cancer HS0016

HS0016 6 Slides/Pack
EUR 160

Human Stomach Cancer HS0017

HS0017 6 Slides/Pack
EUR 160

Human Stomach Cancer HS0018

HS0018 6 Slides/Pack
EUR 160

Human Stomach Cancer HS0019

HS0019 6 Slides/Pack
EUR 160

Human Stomach Cancer HS0020

HS0020 6 Slides/Pack
EUR 160

Stomach cancer tissue array

ST484d each
EUR 252
Description: Stomach cancer tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade and HER-2 result, 48 cases/48 cores

Tissue, Section, Matched Pairs, Human Primary Tumor and Normal, Stomach (Paraffin)

MBS639981-2x5Sections 2x5Sections
EUR 660

Stomach cancer and lung cancer tissue array

SLC601 each
EUR 306
Description: Stomach cancer and lung cancer tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 60 cases/60 cores

Colon cancer with matched colon tissue array (most in grade II)

CO703a each
EUR 198
Description: Colon cancer with matched colon tissue array (most in grade II), including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 35 cases/70 cores

Lung cancer tissue array with matched adjacent lung tissue

LC488 each
EUR 168
Description: Lung cancer tissue array with matched adjacent lung tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 16 cases/48 cores

Lung cancer with matched lung tissue array (2015 WHO classification)

LC241m each
EUR 48
Description: Lung cancer with matched lung tissue array (2015 WHO classification), including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage (AJCC 7th edition), 6 cases/24 cores, replacing LC241l

Colorectal cancer (CRC) with matched cancer adjacent or adjacent normal tissue array

CO1002d each
EUR 258
Description: Colorectal cancer (CRC) with matched cancer adjacent or adjacent normal tissue array, containing metastatic carcinoma, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 65 cases/100 cores, replacing CO1002b

Liver cancer tissue array with matched adjacent tumor tissue

LV486 each
EUR 222
Description: Liver cancer tissue array with matched adjacent tumor tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 16 cases/48 cores

Colon cancer tissue array with matched adjacent normal tissue

CO2601a each
EUR 474
Description: Colon cancer tissue array with matched adjacent normal tissue, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 65 cases/260 cores, replacing CO2601

Cervix cancer tissue array with matched adjacent cervix tissue

CR245a each
EUR 78
Description: Cervix cancer tissue array with matched adjacent cervix tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases/24 cores,replacing CR245

Kidney cancer tissue array with matched adjacent normal tissue

KD321a each
EUR 198
Description: Kidney cancer tissue array with matched adjacent normal tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology ISUP grade, 16 cases/32 cores, replacing KD321

Lung cancer tissue array with matched metastatic carcinoma and cancer adjacent tissue

LC953 each
EUR 1434
Description: Lung cancer tissue array with matched metastatic carcinoma and cancer adjacent tissue, including TNM, clinical stage, pathology grade and survival data, 30 cases/95 cores, replacing LC952

Breast cancer with matched metastatic carcinoma or breast tissue array

BRM961a each
EUR 384
Description: Breast cancer with matched metastatic carcinoma or breast tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM, clinical stage and IHC marker (ER, PR and Her-2), 49 cases/96 cores

Tissue, Total RNA Matched Pairs, Human Primary Tumor and Normal, Stomach, BioGenomics

MBS638617-2x001mg 2x0.01mg
EUR 750

Tissue cDNA Panel (Matched Pairs), Human Primary Tumor and Normal, Stomach, BioGenomics

MBS651865-2x10Reactions 2x10Reactions
EUR 775


R8235248-PM-10 2x10 ug
EUR 541.1


R8235248-PP-10 2x10 ug
EUR 350

Stomach disease spectrum (stomach cancer progression) tissue array

ST1001a each
EUR 306
Description: Stomach disease spectrum (stomach cancer progression) tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 100 cases/100 cores, replacing ST1001

Tissue, Total Protein, Matched Pairs, Human Primary Tumor and Metastasis Tumor, Stomach

MBS657320-2x02mg 2x0.2mg
EUR 1655

Stomach cancer tissue test array

T011b each
EUR 48
Description: Stomach cancer tissue test array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 6 cases/24 cores, replacing T011a

Stomach cancer test tissue array

T014a each
EUR 48
Description: Stomach cancer test tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 6 cases/24 cores replacing T014

Tissue, Total RNA Matched Pairs, Human Primary and Metastasis Tumor, Stomach, BioGenomics

MBS638620-2x001mg 2x0.01mg
EUR 985

Colon cancer tissue array with matched adjacent tissue as control

CO1504 each
EUR 258
Description: Colon cancer tissue array with matched adjacent tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 50 cases/ 150 cores

Colon cancer tissue array with matched adjacent tissue as control

CO1505 each
EUR 258
Description: Colon cancer tissue array with matched adjacent tissue as control, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 50 cases/ 150 cores

Multiple kidney cancer with matched tumor adjacent (AT) kidney tissue array

KD702a each
EUR 234
Description: Multiple kidney cancer with matched tumor adjacent (AT) kidney tissue array, 35 cases/70 cores, including CCRCC (15 cases), PRCC (9 cases), CHRCC (8 cases), ccpRCC (3 cases)

Liver cancer with matched or unmatched adjacent normal liver tissue array

LV751 each
EUR 372
Description: Liver cancer with matched or unmatched adjacent normal liver tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM, clinical stage, 57 cases/75 cores


T8235248-PP 5 slides x2
EUR 268.1


P8235248-PP 0.2 mg x2
EUR 501.2


T6235248-PP 5 slides x2
EUR 416.5

Multiple organ cancer with matched or unmatched adjacent normal or cancer adjacent tissue array

BCN801 each
EUR 270
Description: Multiple organ cancer with matched or unmatched adjacent normal or cancer adjacent tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 48 cases/80 cores

Colon cancer tissue with matched adjacent normal colon tissue array

BC05118d each
EUR 306
Description: Colon cancer tissue with matched adjacent normal colon tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 50 cases/100 cores

Colon cancer tissue array with matched adjacent normal colon tissue

CO801a each
EUR 270
Description: Colon cancer tissue array with matched adjacent normal colon tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 40 cases/ 80 cores, replced by CO801b

Tissue, Genomic DNA Panel (Matched Pairs), Human Primary Tumor and Normal, Stomach, BioGenomics

MBS654621-2x001mg 2x0.01mg
EUR 650

Endometrium cancer tissue array with matched adjacent endometrium tissue

UT243a each
EUR 66
Description: Endometrium cancer tissue array with matched adjacent endometrium tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 12 cases/24 cores, replacing UT243

Kidney cancer tissue array with matched adjacent normal kidney tissue

KD901a each
EUR 258
Description: Kidney cancer tissue array with matched adjacent normal kidney tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 40 cases/90 cores, replacing KD901

Multiple cancer tissue array with matched or unmatched normal control

MC802 each
EUR 306
Description: Multiple cancer tissue array with matched or unmatched normal control, replacing BC00115, 44 cases/80 cores, with grade information

Multiple ovarian tumor with matched cancer adjacent ovary tissue array

OV901 each
EUR 306
Description: Multiple ovarian tumor with matched cancer adjacent ovary tissue array, including serous carcinoma, clear cell carcinoma, endometrioid adenocarcinoma,mucinous adenocarcinoma,disgerminoma,yolk sac tumor and sertoli-Leydig cell tumors and mixed germ cell tumor,thology grade, TNM and clinical stage (AJCC 8.0), 76 cases/90 cores (1.5mm)

Thyroid gland with matched cancer adjacent thyroid gland tissue array

TH242a each
EUR 78
Description: Thyroid gland with matched cancer adjacent thyroid gland tissue array, including TNM and clinical stage, 12 cases/24 cores, replacing TH242


P8235248-PM 0.2 mg x2
EUR 1001.7

Progressive colon adenocarcinoma with matched cancer adjacent tissue array

CO1507 each
EUR 306
Description: Progressive colon adenocarcinoma with matched cancer adjacent tissue array, including ulcer, uplift and infiltrating type adenocarcinoma, with pathology grade, TNM/Stage ( AJCC 8th edition) and MMR (MLH1/PMS2/MSH2/MSH6) IHC results, 75 cases/150cores (core size 1.0mm), Recent Year Collection

Bladder cancer tissue array with matched adjacent normal bladder tissue

BL631 each
EUR 306
Description: Bladder cancer tissue array with matched adjacent normal bladder tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 24 cases/63 cores

Liver cancer and matched liver tissue array with drinking history

LV248a each
EUR 114
Description: Liver cancer and matched liver tissue array with drinking history, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 12 cases/24 cores, (1.5mm), replacingLV248

Tissue, Genomic DNA Panel (Matched Pairs), Human Primary and Metastasis Tumor, Stomach, BioGenomics

MBS654460-2x001mg 2x0.01mg
EUR 890

Multiple types of cancer with matched or unmatched normal adjacent tissue array

MC483 each
EUR 198
Description: Multiple types of cancer with matched or unmatched normal adjacent tissue array, including pathology grade and TNM, 26 cases/48 cores (core size 1.5mm)

(untagged)-Genes related to stomach cancer

SC314409 10 µg Ask for price

Lung large cell carcinoma with matched cancer adjacent lung tissue array

LC361 each
EUR 276
Description: Lung large cell carcinoma with matched cancer adjacent lung tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage (AJCC 8.0) and IHC data (P63, TTF-1, CK7 and NSE), 13 casse/36 cores (2.0mm)

Pancreatic cancer tissue array with matched adjacent normal pancreas tissue

PA241e each
EUR 66
Description: Pancreatic cancer tissue array with matched adjacent normal pancreas tissue, including TNM and pathology grade, 6 cases/24 cores, replacing PA241d

Tissue, Array, Human Tumor, Different Types of Tumor, Multi, tissue V (5), liver, control, stomach, control, normal placenta (matched with mRNA blots) (Paraffin)

MBS639388-5Arrays 5Arrays
EUR 765

Tissue, Array, Human Tumor, Different Types of Tumor, Multi, tissue V (5), liver, control, stomach, control, normal placenta (matched with mRNA blots) (Paraffin)

MBS639388-5x5Arrays 5x5Arrays
EUR 3300

Bladder urothelial carcinoma with matched cancer adjacent bladder tissue array

BL241b each
EUR 66
Description: Bladder urothelial carcinoma with matched cancer adjacent bladder tissue array, including TNM and clinical stage, 10 cases/24 cores, replacing BL241a

HighQC™ Human Stomach Cancer Stem Cell

ABC-SC0059 1 vial Ask for price
Description: Human Stomach Cancer Stem Cell; Frozen Vial and Plated cells are available. Cells are only guaranteed with purchase of Gentaur Media and Gentaur Extra Cellular Matrix for appropriate cell culture, for 30 days from the date of shipment.

Kidney cancer (grade I) tissue array with matched adjacent normal kidney tissue

KD701a each
EUR 234
Description: Kidney cancer (grade I) tissue array with matched adjacent normal kidney tissue, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 35 cases/70 cores, replacing KD701

Different stage of stomach cancer tissue array

ST1921 each
EUR 474
Description: Different stage of stomach cancer tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 96 cases/192 cores

Breast invasive ductal carcinoma with matched cancer adjacent breast tissue arraye

BR486 each
EUR 168
Description: Breast invasive ductal carcinoma with matched cancer adjacent breast tissue arraye, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 16 cases/48 cores

Stomach cancer and adjacent normal tissue array

ST8015 each
EUR 306
Description: Stomach cancer and adjacent normal tissue array, including TNM and pathology grade, 80 cases/80 cores

Tissue, Array, Human Disease (Adult), Lymphoma, Axillary Lymph Node, Colon, Leg, Lung, Lymph Node, Mesenteric Site, Neck, Ovary, Pelvic, Peritoneal Cavity, Shoulder, Small Intestine, Stomach, Testis, Thyroid, Tonsil (Paraffin)

MBS639536-5Slides 5Slides
EUR 1110

Tissue, Array, Human Disease (Adult), Lymphoma, Axillary Lymph Node, Colon, Leg, Lung, Lymph Node, Mesenteric Site, Neck, Ovary, Pelvic, Peritoneal Cavity, Shoulder, Small Intestine, Stomach, Testis, Thyroid, Tonsil (Paraffin)

MBS639536-5x5Slides 5x5Slides
EUR 4855

Tissue, Array, Human Disease (Adult), Lymphoma, Appendix, Lymph Node, Mesentery, Parotid Gland, Spleen, Stomach, Testis, Thyroid, Tonsil (Paraffin)

MBS639499-5Slides 5Slides
EUR 1280

Tissue, Array, Human Disease (Adult), Lymphoma, Appendix, Lymph Node, Mesentery, Parotid Gland, Spleen, Stomach, Testis, Thyroid, Tonsil (Paraffin)

MBS639499-5x5Slides 5x5Slides
EUR 5620

Stomach cancer tissue array for antibody screening

ST1003b each
EUR 306
Description: Stomach cancer tissue array for antibody screening, including TNM, clinical stage and pathology grade, 50 cases/100 cores, replacing ST1003a

Lung adenocarcinoma with matched normal adjacent or cancer adjacent lung tissue array

LC1531 each
EUR 258
Description: Lung adenocarcinoma with matched normal adjacent or cancer adjacent lung tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM/Stage (AJCC 8th edition), 51 cases/153 cores (core size 1.0mm), replacing LC1504

Lung adenocarcinoma with matched cancer adjacent or adjacent normal lung tissue array

LC992a each
EUR 270
Description: Lung adenocarcinoma with matched cancer adjacent or adjacent normal lung tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage (reference AJCC 8th version), 33 cases/99 cores, replacing LC992

HighQC™ Human (Parental) Stomach Cancer Stem Cell

ABC-SC0120 1 vial Ask for price
Description: Human (Parental) Stomach Cancer Stem Cell; Frozen Vial and Plated cells are available. Cells are only guaranteed with purchase of Gentaur Media and Gentaur Extra Cellular Matrix for appropriate cell culture, for 30 days from the date of shipment.

Larynx and popharynx cancar with matched adjacent normal or cancer adjacent tissue array

LP241b each
EUR 66
Description: Larynx and popharynx cancar with matched adjacent normal or cancer adjacent tissue array, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage (referenced AJCC 8th version), 10 cases/24 cores, replacing LP241a

Kidney cancer tissue array with matched normal adjacent tissue and metastatic carcinoma

KD951a each
EUR 1434
Description: Kidney cancer tissue array with matched normal adjacent tissue and metastatic carcinoma, with TNM, clinical stage, pathology grade and survival data, 32 cases/95 cores,replacing KD951

Kidney cancer tissue array with matched normal adjacent or caner adjacent kidney tissue

Kid-060Sur01 each
EUR 954
Description: Kidney cancer tissue array with matched normal adjacent or caner adjacent kidney tissue, including TNM, ISUP grade and survival data, 30 cases/60 cores

Human Stomach Cancer Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells

ABC-TC4358 1 vial Ask for price
Description: Included Diagnoses: Adenocarcinoma (including all subtypes) and Squamous Cell Carcinoma (including all subtypes), Neuroendocrine tumors of the stomach, Carcinoma of the stomach.

Stomach cancer tissue array with corresponding (self-matching) normal adjacent tissues (12 cases/48 cores)

ST481 each
EUR 138
Description: Stomach cancer tissue array with corresponding (self-matching) normal adjacent tissues (12 cases/48 cores), with stage and grade info

Lung squamous cell carcinoma tissue array with matched cancer adjacent tissue as control

LC1505 each
EUR 258
Description: Lung squamous cell carcinoma tissue array with matched cancer adjacent tissue as control, including TNM, stage and pathology grade, 50 cases/ 150 cores(1.0mm)

Colorectal cancer tissue array with matched normal adjacent and metastatic carcinoma tissue

CO952a each
EUR 1434
Description: Colorectal cancer tissue array with matched normal adjacent and metastatic carcinoma tissue, with TNM, clinical stage and survival data, 30 cases/95 cores.

Cancer of the stomach paired with normal, 42 cases (1.5mm), set 1HumanDigestive systemStomachMalignant

STC1261 1
EUR 389

Cancer of the stomach paired with normal, 42 cases (1.5mm), set 2HumanDigestive systemStomachMalignant

STC1262 1
EUR 389

Cancer of the stomach paired with normal, 16 cases (2mm), set 1HumanDigestive systemStomachMalignant

STC481 1
EUR 246

Cancer of the stomach paired with normal, 16 cases (2mm), set 2HumanDigestive systemStomachMalignant

STC482 1
EUR 246

Cancer of the stomach paired with normal, 16 cases (2mm), set 3HumanDigestive systemStomachMalignant

STC483 1
EUR 246

Multiple esophagus cancer test tissue array with matched or unmatched normal adjacent tissue

ES242 each
EUR 66
Description: Multiple esophagus cancer test tissue array with matched or unmatched normal adjacent tissue, 11 cases/24 cores

Pancreatic adenocarcinoma with matched adjacent normal or cancer adjacent pancreas tissue array

PA601 each
EUR 281
Description: Pancreatic adenocarcinoma with matched adjacent normal or cancer adjacent pancreas tissue array, including pathology, TNM and clinical stage (reference AJCC 8th version), 37 cases/60 cores

Human Stomach Cancer (5 slides/pack, single section/slide)

S-HuCAT046 1 unit
EUR 95

Human Stomach Cancer (5 slides/pack, single section/slide)

S-HuCAT051 1 unit
EUR 95

Human Stomach Cancer (5 slides/pack, single section/slide)

S-HuCAT056 1 unit
EUR 95

Human Stomach Cancer (5 slides/pack, single section/slide)

S-HuCAT061 1 unit
EUR 95

Human Stomach Cancer (5 slides/pack, single section/slide)

S-HuCAT066 1 unit
EUR 95

TIMP1 (Colorectal Cancer Biomarker/Marker of Lymph Node Metastasis)

MBS4380253-002mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.02mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 230

TIMP1 (Colorectal Cancer Biomarker/Marker of Lymph Node Metastasis)

MBS4380253-01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 405

TIMP1 (Colorectal Cancer Biomarker/Marker of Lymph Node Metastasis)

MBS4380253-01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 405

TIMP1 (Colorectal Cancer Biomarker/Marker of Lymph Node Metastasis)

MBS4380253-5x01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 1725

TIMP1 (Colorectal Cancer Biomarker/Marker of Lymph Node Metastasis)

MBS4380253-5x01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 1725

TIMP1 (Colorectal Cancer Biomarker/Marker of Lymph Node Metastasis)

MBS4380254-002mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.02mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 230

TIMP1 (Colorectal Cancer Biomarker/Marker of Lymph Node Metastasis)

MBS4380254-01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 405

TIMP1 (Colorectal Cancer Biomarker/Marker of Lymph Node Metastasis)

MBS4380254-01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 405

TIMP1 (Colorectal Cancer Biomarker/Marker of Lymph Node Metastasis)

MBS4380254-5x01mgWithBSAAzideat02mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithBSA&Azideat0.2mg/mL)
EUR 1725

TIMP1 (Colorectal Cancer Biomarker/Marker of Lymph Node Metastasis)

MBS4380254-5x01mgWithoutBSAAzideat1mgmL 5x0.1mg(WithoutBSA&Azideat1mg/mL)
EUR 1725

Stomach cancer Her-2 positive and negative tissue array

ST221 each
EUR 198
Description: Stomach cancer Her-2 positive and negative tissue array, including TNM, clinical stage, pathology grade and Her-2 markers, 22 cases/ 22 cores

Human Cancer PrimaCell™16: Stomach Tumor Cells Growth Supplements with Serum (for 500 ml medium)

9-47039 1 Set
EUR 460.5

Human Cancer PrimaCell™16: Stomach Tumor Cells

2-96039 1 Kit
EUR 1321.11

Adrenal tumors with normal adrenal tissue and matched cancer adjacent adrenal tissue array

AG991 each
EUR 356
Description: Adrenal tumors with normal adrenal tissue and matched cancer adjacent adrenal tissue array, including TNM and clinical stage (AJCC 8th edition), 93 cases/99 cores (core size 1.5mm)

Tissue, Array, Human Tumor, Different Types of Tumor, Multi, tissue IV (8), gallbladder, control, esophagus, control, stomach, control, lung, control (matched with Total RNA Northern Blot) (Paraffin)

MBS639509-5Arrays 5Arrays
EUR 805

Tissue, Array, Human Tumor, Different Types of Tumor, Multi, tissue IV (8), gallbladder, control, esophagus, control, stomach, control, lung, control (matched with Total RNA Northern Blot) (Paraffin)

MBS639509-5x5Arrays 5x5Arrays
EUR 3465

Tissue, Array, Human Tumor, Different Types of Tumor, Multi, tissue II (8), esophagus, control, stomach, control, colon, control, rectum, control (matched with Total RNA Northern Blot) (Paraffin)

MBS639676-5Arrays 5Arrays
EUR 805

Tissue, Array, Human Tumor, Different Types of Tumor, Multi, tissue II (8), esophagus, control, stomach, control, colon, control, rectum, control (matched with Total RNA Northern Blot) (Paraffin)

MBS639676-5x5Arrays 5x5Arrays
EUR 3465

Cancer of the stomach with progressive changes, 48 cases (1.5mm), set 1HumanDigestive systemStomachMalignant

STC961 1
EUR 289

Cancer of the stomach with progressive changes, 48 cases (1.5mm), set 2HumanDigestive systemStomachMalignant

STC962 1
EUR 289

Human Stomach Cancer (single section per slide) (5 slides/pack)

HuCAT046 5 slides
EUR 150

Human Stomach Cancer (single section per slide) (5 slides/pack)

HuCAT051 5 slides
EUR 150

Human Stomach Cancer (single section per slide) (5 slides/pack)

HuCAT056 5 slides
EUR 150

Human Stomach Cancer (single section per slide) (5 slides/pack)

HuCAT061 5 slides
EUR 150

Human Stomach Cancer (single section per slide) (5 slides/pack)

HuCAT066 5 slides
EUR 150

Tissue, Array, Human Tumor, Different Types of Tumor, Multi, tissue III (8), kidney, control, oschea/ureter, control, bladder, control, stomach, control (matched with Total RNA Northern Blot) (Paraffin)

MBS639689-5Arrays 5Arrays
EUR 805

Tissue, Array, Human Tumor, Different Types of Tumor, Multi, tissue III (8), kidney, control, oschea/ureter, control, bladder, control, stomach, control (matched with Total RNA Northern Blot) (Paraffin)

MBS639689-5x5Arrays 5x5Arrays
EUR 3465

Malignant melanoma and metastatic malignant melanoma TMA with 6 matched cancer adjacent tissue samples

ME551 each
EUR 270
Description: Malignant melanoma and metastatic malignant melanoma TMA with 6 matched cancer adjacent tissue samples, including TNM and clinical stage (reference AJCC th version), 49cases/55 cores (core size 1.5mm) Recent Year Collection

Cancer of the stomach paired with metastasis, 48 cases (1.5mm)HumanDigestive systemStomachMalignant, metastasis

STM961 1
EUR 448

Breast cancer tissue array with lymph node positive and negative, with cancer adjacent tissue, including pathology grade, TNM and clinical stage, 120 cases/ 132 cores

BR1321 row: 12; column: 11; cores: 132; cases: 120
EUR 474
Description: Breast invasive ductal carcinoma tissue microarray with cancer adjacent tissue, containing 60 cases of lymph node positive (LN+), 50 cases of lymph node negative (LN-), 1 case of normal breast tissue, plus 9 cases of cancer adjacent breast tissue, triplicate cores of lymph node positive (LN+) from 1-3 cases, single core of the last 57 cases of lymph node positive (LN+), triplicate cores of lymph node positive (LN-) from 1-3 cases, single core of the last 47 cases of lymph node positive (LN-), single core normal and adjacnet bresat tissue

Stomach cancer with matched lymph node